Burj Dubai is officially opened…

Recognized as the world famous man made structure, even before the completion of the building, is already incredible achievement obtained by Burj Dubai. Now, that the building has topped out, completed, and opened for public on 4th January 2010 as the world tallest man made structure as well.

A landmark of Dubai, an icon of the nation, and the symbol of human achievements, this tower stands at an official height of 828m (previously the height is 818m, after new measurement being introduced by Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat, the new height is 825m, then now, another 3m is added, making it at 828m…what a nice number). The building has 168 occupied floors too (with over a certain number of mechanical floors above).

It’s really cool to see something from the drawing turned to reality:

Something incredible…the height of the tower can be raised with the addition of spire at the top. Currently, the spire looks short compared to overall of the building, giving hints that the spire can be added without interfering the proportion of the building. Hence, it will gives tougher challenge to future world tallest building projects.

The building’s name is suddenly changed from Burj Dubai to Burj Khalifa, after being announced shockingly by Sheikh Mohammed on the opening night. The ruler of Dubai renamed it as the gesture to Sheikh Khalifa Bin Zayed al Nahyan, President of United Arab Emirates and Ruler of Abu Dhabi, the capital of the country.

More details are finally revealed by the architects of the building (previously, all the architects do not expose much details on the building as to keep it as secret till opening). The design of the building is inspired by the shape of desert flower, an Arabic flower, built in the shape of letter Y. Elevators in the building can travel up to 1600 feet in two minutes. The temperature difference between the top and the bottom of the building is up to 10 degree Celsius. It will have the most elevated place of worship in the world with plans for a mosque on the 158th level. It boasts luxury apartments, offices, four swimming pools, a private library and a hotel designed by Giorgio Armani. The main architect for the building is Adrian Smith.

Some pictures of the fireworks display of the tower during the opening:

The video from Dubai channel showing the opening ceremony of the building:

The video from ITN News showing the opening ceremony too:

The video from rooftop of Millenium Tower, showing the fireworks of Burj Dubai:

Great, isn’t it??? I’m currently in a very happy mood, because I love this building a lot, I have been watching the building from the proposal, till the construction, till the completion, and now, the opening…really wish to get there and take a breathtaking look at the impressive structure, which might hurt my neck for looking up too high…it is not merely a building, it is a pride of the world…

Man Made Marvels: Songdo City.

Long time in this blog, I did not write any post on architecture, and now it is a right time for it…Why? Because just now I have just checked on a TV programme called Man Made Marvels: Songdo City in National Geographic Channels…


I love National Geographic…sometimes I can learn a lot of things related to architecture, building technology, engineering, and history. Songdo City is a new (constructing) city in Incheon region of South Korea. The whole project needs around US 35 billion dollar and sits on the 1500 acres of reclaimed land. The master plan is designed by Kohn Pederson Fox.

It is the world largest private construction project and is scheduled for completion by year 2014, ten years after construction began. The workers only had ten years to build the whole city from flat ground to green city of skyscrapers and high quality living.

There are three man made marvels listed in the project, first of all the Incheon International Airport. It is among the world best and greatest airport. It is very large and built on a man made island in the middle of sea.

Next, is the new Songdo International Convention Center. The most interesting part of it is it’s engineering breakthrough. The large curved roof that resembles the traditional roof form of Korean architecture had no column supporting it from below. The load has to be transferred to the two ends of the each roof joined together and then transferred to the 30m deep foundation. The structure will be the city center and is designed by famous architectural firm; Kohn Pederson Fox.

Next, is the new Incheon Bridge. This 12km bridge (8m above water) will be linking the airport directly to Songdo City. It will be the world fifth longest cable-stayed bridge when completed. The bridge pylon stands at a staggering height of 238m. This bridge undergoes various weather constraints like strong winds, low tides, strong mist, heavy rain, etc.

There will be a Central Park in the city, similar to the Central Park in New York City. The park will symbolize the high quality of living of residents in the green city. Artificial lake, river, gardens, pavilions, gazebos, etc are all available in the park.

There will be few soaring skyscrapers around the city center, residential and office towers above 60 floors high. Northeast Asia Trade Tower is now topped out at 70 floors, with a height of 305m, the tallest building in South Korea. It is designed by KPF too; a square plan with a triangular top for helicopter landing pad. Every buildings in the city ( around 500 to 600 ) will be LEED (Leadership in Engineering Environmental Design) certified, marking the status of a green city.

Wow..I’m great, I can remember so many information I have watched just now.

Burj Dubai again…

another post on the currently-constructing Burj Dubai, the world tallest manmade structure with a height of 818m with over 160 floors.

Located in Dubai, United Arab Emirates in region of fast developing Middle East, the construction of the supertall building started few years back and almost come to an end by this year, 2009!

I have been watching this building going up and up by months and it had been topped out in early 2009 with a spire, and recently the construction of the steel structure has been completed, and the cladding will be completed by 9th September 2009 (09.09.09) – nice number. Currently, the vladding process is on top section of the tower, nearing completion too.

On that day, it is the soft opening day of the building, marking its final touch preparation of the building, and there will be small celebration too.

The look of the spire on top of the building (just an ordinary spire):

The loof of the whole building from far under construction:

Now,the building reminded me of few years back when this building was just as short as typical building in any city, and it is getting taller and taller, surpassing Empire State Building (381m), Sears Tower (442m), Petronas Twin Towers (452m), and even the world tallest completed building, Taipei 101 (509m), world tallest freestanding structure, CN Tower (553m), and KVLY-TV Mast (world tallest man made structure – 629m).

And the building even before its completion is the only sturcture in the world that exceeds 700m or even 800m. Crazy! Imagine when you are standing on the 160th floor of Burj Dubai? What will you feel? Excited? Dizzy? Worried? Scared? Overwhelming? Haha…I wished to reach to top floors of the building too…it will be very crazy!

Wonders of the World (compilation of all)

Seven Wonders of the Ancient World: (all destroyed except Great Pyramid)

Honourable mention: Ishtar Gate.

Seven Wonders of the Medieval World:

  • Stonehenge
  • Colosseum
  • Catacombs of Kom el Shoqafa
  • Great Wall of China
  • Porcelain Tower of Nanjing
  • Hagia Sophia
  • Leaning Tower of Pisa
  • Honourable mentions: Taj Mahal, Cairo Citadel, Ely Cathedral, Cluny Abbey.

    Seven Wonders of the Modern World:

     – Channel Tunnel.

    – CN Tower.

    – Empire State Building.

    – Golden Gate Bridge.

    – Itaipu Dam.

    – Delta Works.

    – Panama Canal.

    New Seven Wonders Foundation’s seven wonders of the world: (the exact list)

    – Great Wall of China.

    – Petra.

    Christ the Redeemer. (the eighth wonder)

    – Machu Picchu.

    – Chicken Itza.

    – Roman Colloseum.

    – Taj Mahal.

    – Great Pyramid. (Honorary candidate)

    USA Today’s New Seven Wonders:

    – Potala Palace.

    – Old City of Jerusalem.

    – Polar ice caps.

    – Papahanaumokuakea Marine National Monument.

    – Internet.

    – Maya ruins.

    – Great migration of Serengeti and Masai Mara.

    – Grand Canyon. (people’s chosen eighth wonder)

    Seven Natural Wonders of the World:

  • Grand Canyon
  • Great Barrier Reef
  • Harbour of Rio de Janeiro
  • Mount Everest
  • Aurora
  • Parícutin volcano
  • Victoria Falls
  • Seven Wonders of the Underwater World

  • Palau
  • Belize Barrier Reef
  • Great Barrier Reef
  • Deep-Sea Vents
  • Galápagos Islands
  • Lake Baikal
  • Northern Red Sea
  • Seven Wonders of the Industrial World:

  • SS Great Eastern
  • Bell Rock Lighthouse
  • Brooklyn Bridge
  • London sewerage system
  • First Transcontinental Railroad
  • Panama Canal
  • Hoover Dam
  • Man-made travel wonders

    1. Giza pyramid complex
    2. Great Wall of China
    3. Taj Mahal
    4. Machu Picchu
    5. Bali
    6. Angkor Wat
    7. Forbidden City
    8. Bagan Temples & Pagodas
    9. Karnak Temple
    10. Teotihuacán

    Natural travel wonders

    1. Serengeti Migration
    2. Galápagos Islands
    3. Grand Canyon
    4. Iguazu Falls
    5. Amazon Rainforest
    6. Ngorongoro Crater
    7. Great Barrier Reef
    8. Victoria Falls
    9. Bora Bora
    10. Cappadocia

    The compilation above are all related to the seven wonders of the world.

    All info obtained from wikipedia. For more detail, please refer to wikipedia too. Want pictures, search for yourself to find the beauty of the wonders!

    Really wished to go to every wonders listed above, all around the world…haha..which is almost impossible..