Poor results in BWF World Championship

I am a fans of badminton, I like to play badminton. I like to watch badminton. I like to see our Malaysian team performing well in international tournaments.

Haiz…disappointing! Total disgrace. Malaysians are expecting to see at least one to get into the final of the on-going BWF World Championship 2009 in Hyderabad, India. This is the second largest international tournament in badminton, just behind the Olympic.


First expectation is on World No. 1, Lee Chong Wei. He failed to even get into semi-final. He lost to Sony Dwi Kuncoro in Quarterfinal and left away disappoinitingly. Fine, we still had Fairuzizuan and Zakry Latif and Koo Kien Keat and Tan Boon Heong in men doubles. Both pairs went into semi final.

Just watched the semifinal just now. Disappointing AGAIN! Both pairs lost. Both won the first game, and lost the last two games instead. Haiz, a high hope on them and they throw it off. Fine, we will see no Malaysians in Final tomorrow. All the Malaysian players can come back home now, empty-handed. China, Korea, Indonesia, Denmark get into final, and Malaysia didn’t, at all!

Just now, I am willing to stop my model-making work just to see their performance in SemiFinal and they give me this kind of game! Improve please!

My campus now has H1N1 cases…

Today thought of an examination to allocate us, the students to different classes for Communication Principles 112 which it is always like this. But then, when I reached the campus, the list is out of which class we are going into and I’m on Friday class.

I don’t like the Friday class. I don’t like to attend class on early Friday morning. Fine, went to the library to do some research for Building Technology 102 assignment. I think we are among the first one to start getting work.

Then, went to faculty lobby to find lecturer, and we are told that there are three cases of H1N1 in the campus, two of them are FABE students, one student in Year 3 and another one in Year 1 (same class with me). I have met the girl (infected) on Monday too.

Huh…scary….start to wear mask which is bought in Ten-10 Mart for RM 1.20. Wow…that’s expensive. Wear it and other people all looking at us. Funny? No!! It’s serious! This virus can be infecting especially in closed area (in our classrooms closed with air-conditioners).

Huh…can’t breath using the mask. Still not used to it. Take it off quickly after the class. Haha…The class is so boring…only explain the module outline. Time for lunch, we stay very long in the Seri Penang Restaurant, chatting, laughing, and nonsense-ing. Hahaha…

Beginning of new semester…

Wow…today is the beginning of my new semester already, Semester Two in my Year One of Architectural Science study. Ohh, sad that the holiday ended…

16 or more weeks of stress, assignments and suffer before the next semester break which will last for three months (the longest) from December to February.

Today, woke up at 11am, no morning class on Monday, cool! Today, the first class is Architecture and Culture 102 in the afternoon. Actually, the first week is the week when each module is being introduced with module outline and some explanation. Then class dismissed, simple for first week. Just a warm up for us, the students. Even those classrooms are not cleaned and prepared yet for us to study in.

This semester’s Culture 102 is totally different with previous semester one. This is all about History, a lot of facts and things to be memorized for quizzes, this time with presentation somemore…

Just found out previous semester’s works beside the class of my Culture 102. Those drawings compilation, design box, journal, big chart, etc. All are there. Now I’m worried that my works will be stolen because we can’t take it back home yet.

Time to settle payment which is super expensive. Today,  as predicted, a lot of students are queuing to pay for their fees too, so need to wait very long till my turn. How rich is the university and the president!!! Over 5000 students, probably 4000 paid, each one average RM 10 000 per semester, calculate yourself and you will get the numbers!!!

A year ago, Beijing 2008 Opening…

Do you still remember what is the day today, exactly a year ago? Now, is 8th August, year 2009. Year 2008 on this day is the most memorable day for Beijing, China, and the world.

Refreshing my mind back to a year ago,08/08/08 is a prosperous day and it was the day Beijing 2008 Summer Olympic Games opened officially. I remember on that night, I was like sticking in front of TV to watch the live show of the Opening Ceremony. My whole family were watching too. The Beijing National Stadium (nicknamed Bird Nest) is cool too, real architectural wonder.

The ceremony was fantastic, outstanding and is the best opening ceremony ever held. I was like ‘Oh My God, it’s super beautiful ‘ when watching it. Awed by the performances and the fireworks show, a real thumbs up for the director, Zhang Yi Mou and to all the volunteering performers. The closing ceremony was fantastic too.

The next Summer Olympic Games will be held at London in year 2012. Expectations are high for that but the organizers does not want to challenge Beijing 2008 (world greatest games in history) since they want to organize an economical-friendly games.

What I have watched that day seems so close to me, eventhough actually it is a one full year apart. The next prosperous date this year will be 09/09/09 which is around the corner.

Anyway, this post is just to refresh my mind and everyone else and is not of current event.

Registration day, K singing + birthday celebration.

Today, 5th August 2009, woke up very early…coming back to campus to register for another new semester of study (my architecture course). Waiting for the staff preparing and doing their job took a very long period of time (which is usual in my campus). Their efficiency is as low as a two-storeys house, but their desire to receive payments is as high as Burj Dubai.

Many students are coming back together on this early morning which is kinda rainy day. Those foreigners, which I tried my best to avoid are unavoidable because their numbers outrun us. Scare of H1N1? For me, YES!!! So many foreigners there, just now we are all packed together in waiting for registration.

After the exhausting registration, time to ready for K singing session. Before that, I just found out that this new semester will have six or seven modules (Architecture Design 102, Architecture Culture 102, Design Communication 102, Building Technology 102, Ecological Sustainable Design, Communication Principles 112 and possibly Moral Studies.) The time table is almost fully-packed from Monday to Friday.

K singing began from around 11am till 6pm (7 hours long) at the new RedBox in IOI Mall, Puchong. First time in the new branch, the services are quite good, and the food served are in large quantities. And it’s time to celebrate two friends’ birthday; Brandon and Huei Cheng, both celebrating 19 years old birthday around these days. Only seven people attended, some giving excuses for not coming. Nevermind, still a fun and enjoyable celebration.

Oohh…will be starting the semester by next week…Assignments coming again!!!

Starchitecture: The Crystal (Toronto)

The Crystal (fully named as Michael Lee-Chin Crystal) is part of the expansion and renovation project undergoing at Royal Ontario Museum located in Toronto, Canada. It is built between 2002 – 2007.

It is designed by architect, Daniel Libeskind and Bregman+Hamann Architects. This structure is the highlight of the $270 million expansion and renovation project. The Crystal comprises five interlocking, self-supporting prismatic structures that interface with, but are not attached to, the original historic Royal Ontario Museum buildings.

The design, selected from among 50 entries in international design competition, saw the award-winning Terrace Galleries torn down and replaced with a Deconstructivist crystalline-form clad in 25% glass and 75% extruded-brushed, aluminium-cladding strips in warm silver colour.

The steel beams, each unique in its design and manufacture and ranging from 1 to 25 metres in length, were lifted one by one to their specific angle, creating complicated angle joints, sloped walls, and gallery ceilings.

Approximately 3,500 tons of steel and 38 tons of bolts were used to create the skeleton, and roughly 9,000 cubic metres of concrete were poured.

The building is named after Michael Lee-Chin who donated $30 million towards its construction.

It houses the new main entrance to the museum, a gift shop, a restaurant, a cafeteria, seven additional galleries and Canada’s largest temporary exhibition hall in the lower level.

The Crystal’s canted walls do not touch the sides of the existing heritage buildings, save for where pedestrian crossing occurs and to close the envelope between the new form and the existing walls.

Although designed to conform to existing height restrictions and maintain sight lines along Bloor Street, the Crystal, at certain points, cantilevers over the setback and into the street allowance.

The building’s design is similar to some of Libeskind’s other works, notably the Jewish Museum in Berlin,

the London Metropolitan University Graduate Centre,

and the Fredric C. Hamilton Building at the Denver Art Museum.

(These structures above designed by him have the same characteristics with the Crystal, Toronto, you may want to know more about them too, but I will just explain on the latest masterpiece from Daniel Libeskind, The Crystal)


The overall aim of the Crystal is to provide openness and accessibility. It seeks to blur the lines between the public area of the street and the more private area of the museum. The goal is to act as an open threshold where people as well as artifacts animate the spaces.

The main lobby is a three-story high atrium, named the Hyacinth Gloria Chen Crystal Court. The lobby is overlooked by balconies and flanked by the J.P. Driscoll Family Stair of Wonders and the Spirit House, an interstitial space formed by the intersection of the east and west crystals, intended as a space of emotional and physical diversion.

What do you think of this structure?

I personally thinks that this structure has its own uniqueness, its own star of architecture (that’s why I called it as starchitecture). Very contrasting to the exisiting museum building which is designed in traditional architecture styles, this modern striking structure really stands out. It looks very agrresive to me, something expressing out of boundary. The form is cool. The exterior silver colour enhances its modern appearance while interior white colour gives purity and formality to the museum building. Anyway, I don’t like the structure to be on the place, looks very uncomfortable, but I knew the design is wanted to be  something odd out of usual.

It’s now real serious in Malaysia…

All of you might be guessing what I am trying to write about this time…

Haha…no joke this time, the condition is getting worse in Malaysia, the H1N1 virus…currently, there is 8 deaths confirmed in Malaysia related to H1N1, making the country to be the 21st country with highest number of H1N1 deaths….Malaysia currently also recorded 1429 confirmed cases, becoming the 19th country with highest number of confirmed cases. Average: Malaysia is now in the list of top 20 countries in the world with worst cases of H1N1…

Terrifying over all the facts mentioned above??? The latest H1N1 death is from a 51 years old lady teacher from a school in Selangor (and I’m living in Selangor too, bordering Kuala Lumpur)….It’s really getting bad…More and more schools and campuses are closing off…

Now I don’t worry much because I didn’t go out frequently…I’m still in my holiday…but that will not last long, next week is the commencement of my new semester of study in a private international university…

Everyone, all students and lecturers including foreigners will be coming back to the campus to resume classes…there is a high possibility that some will be bringing back the virus too…What if one of the infected person is in the same class with me? Huh…Terrible…Hope it does not happen! By the time, campus will be closed and holiday again..Haha…

Sudden blackout yesterday night…

How fast the time goes…it is now the first day of August, year 2009…

Yesterday, Friday night, while I’m enjoying my time watching movie online, suddenly ‘zhup’!!! Blackout! That time I was alone in the house, my dad and sisters are out…All are off suddenly and I can hear people like screaming nearby…Haha…I hate this…they didn’t inform us when there is blackout!

Huh…scared of ghosts? Haha…very dark in the house, outside as well…The whole area was having the same problem, no electricity. For me, no electricity, no life. No water also nevermind. Wah…very hot, then my dad was back and it’s time to leave the dark house…a lot of our neighbours went out to enjoy the night too…

When I was out in the darkness, I look up to the sky and I agree to this statement, ‘When we are in the darkest, the moon is the brightest’. Usually when all lights are on, moon is hardly to be seen, no one even cares to look up the sky.

Time to go to pay a visit to my relative’s house…chat, chat, chat…then back home, still no electricity. But then later, finally everything back to normal, it is already midnight, time to sleep.