Sudden blackout yesterday night…

How fast the time goes…it is now the first day of August, year 2009…

Yesterday, Friday night, while I’m enjoying my time watching movie online, suddenly ‘zhup’!!! Blackout! That time I was alone in the house, my dad and sisters are out…All are off suddenly and I can hear people like screaming nearby…Haha…I hate this…they didn’t inform us when there is blackout!

Huh…scared of ghosts? Haha…very dark in the house, outside as well…The whole area was having the same problem, no electricity. For me, no electricity, no life. No water also nevermind. Wah…very hot, then my dad was back and it’s time to leave the dark house…a lot of our neighbours went out to enjoy the night too…

When I was out in the darkness, I look up to the sky and I agree to this statement, ‘When we are in the darkest, the moon is the brightest’. Usually when all lights are on, moon is hardly to be seen, no one even cares to look up the sky.

Time to go to pay a visit to my relative’s house…chat, chat, chat…then back home, still no electricity. But then later, finally everything back to normal, it is already midnight, time to sleep.