My University Project ‘…for the…’

Last time I have promised to put my works in this blog, on the last project in my Design 102 module of the whole semester, called as Project ‘…for the…’. It is a project which we design a dwelling for our specific client in Malacca.

My chosen client through a lucky draw, at first is Christie Brinkley, a famous model. However, I am given a second chance of lucky pick since there is not much thing can be done on model. Hence, my second and final pick is Amadeus Mozart, a famous musician.

Part 1: Client and Function.

I need to get to know deeply onto the personalities and characteristics of Mozart. What is special about him? What is interesting about him? Mozart is addicted to music when he was only 3 years old, and he was able to write music when he was aged 5 only. He completed his works very fast, but stress was his main problem. His most famous work is ‘Requiem’, which is incomplete, as he felt into severe illness and died before even he could finish it. I am trying to design a place for him to complete the music and perform it.

Client and Function poster (1 A2 size board)

Part 2: Site Analysis.

We had conducted a site visit at Malacca Old Town area. I have chosen a water edge area, a very spacious empty area in the region of new development. Many modern buildings are built and being under construction there, and my dwelling will be notified as part of it, proudly. The calm atmosphere from the peaceful surrounding, flowing water, and windy breeze will surely be effective in reducing stress by Mozart while writing his marvelous piece of work. My site faces the Maritime Museum, a museum built in a form of Portuguese ship and Taming Sari Tower, an observation tower basically for tourism.

My chosen site sits right beside a newly-built park, in a geometrical pattern. My dwelling will be an extension of the park, benefiting the existing pedestrian walkways, which will direct visitors from the tourist center nearby, to the square, next to the park, and finally, to my dwelling. It will be able to attract visitors in such a strategic location of tourist hotspot.

Site Analysis board (1 A0 size board)

Part 3: Design.

The name of my dwelling will be very grand, ‘Performing Center of Amadeus Mozart’. Malacca has many museums, many cafes, many tourist spots, but don’t have a proper performing center. There are many spaces in my dwelling, making it as multi-purpose, such as lobby area to welcome visitors, gallery to display his masterpieces, outdoor platform for audiences to enjoy the surrounding, private working space for Mozart to write his music, and staff area for performers to prepare for performances. The main space will be the performing hall, with a stage and concrete terraces as seating area.

Two concepts are chosen based on Mozart’s personalities.

1. Emphasis on external appearance

My dwelling will have a grand and modern outlook appearance, and is easily visible from afar, especially from the Taming Sari Tower and Maritime Museum. It is located on the spacious empty land in the middle of the reclaimed land (Malacca River Square) on Malacca River. The large scale of the project making it more distinctive. The interior is very plain, with no decorations or ornamentations. The seating area of performing hall is just of concrete terraces, and all the floor, wall, and roof have no finishes. Even the stage is simple, with a background of glass screen.

Mozart emphasized on his outer appearance. He loved to wear elegant clothing. However, he was very poor and has financial difficulties. Hence, this concept suits him the most, and shows that this place is dedicated for him, while not letting the others know (also not letting the others know that he was actually poor).

2. No distinction between exterior and interior.

As I have mentioned just now, there is so much difference between exterior and interior look of the building. Now, there is another concept of linking them back, harmoniously, by using one material: glass. Mozart should not be enclosed by solid walls when he was writing his music, as this will lead to stress easily. Hence, his private working space is built mainly of glass, four walls of glass to separate him from the outside weather, while combining the area with the surrounding. He will be enjoying the time of writing his music with the surrounding at a high level. Imagine, how comfortable he will be…

Usual backdrop of current performing center is a plain black wallpaper. For my performing center, it will be different. The backdrop will be the lively background showing the Maritime Museum and Taming Sari Tower with the surrounding. By this way, audiences will feel different kind of atmosphere at different time of performances. It will not attracts the eyes of the audiences during performances but will affect the mood of the audiences. They have entered a boring, dull and plain hall, hence, their focus will be just on the music, while the backdrop plays a role to regain their feeling of being carried away by the music performed by Mozart. The glass backdrop will also provides natural lighting during daytime of performances. The side facade of the gallery is also built of glass, but of two different glass. There are no nice views visible from that side, hence translucent glass will be used, so that the visitors will only enjoy the music sheets displayed. The upper facade will be of transparent movable glass, which allows sunlight to enter for natural lighting, and for air ventilation, supporting the idea of a green building, in a clean, unpolluted and historical city of Malacca. The facade which faces the park will be of solid wall and glass wall. Solid wall separates the performing hall from the outside, so that the activities occuring in the park and square will not disturb the performances. However, the visible lobby from outside will be able to attract visitors to enter.

The entrance to the private working space is small, and short, specially dedicated to Amadeus Mozart. He was s short and small person. However, as soon as he enters the area, the large volume of the space will provides greater freedom and movement for him, thus, giving him more space and less pressure to complete his music. He can went out to the nearby park to enjoy the scenery too.

I have explained almost all of the things related to my design.

Part 4: Interior space.

I have chosen a portion of the performing hall, to be investigated on its finishes, lighting, and construction details. The foundation will be simple, since there is already an existing concrete surface on the ground and the site sits on a reclaimed land (reinforced and stabilized). The portion is on the side showing part of the seating area, stage, and entrance to the outdoor platform, accompanied by the glass backdrop. Among the most interesting feature of my design is the glass backdrop. There is no finishes on it, as i have explained earlier. The lighting during the day is provided with aid of the glass screen. The materials used to built is mainly of concrete and glass.

My overall presentation board (5 A1 sized board combined together):

My final model (sectional) on the site model (scale 1:100):

My interior model (scale 1:20):

This is overall of the project, which ended by a verbal presentation during review by external panels, and the whole semester successfully ended with submission of box containing all the works and portfolio…

Design Review today for AS102

Today is finally the design review of our last project in Design 102, project ‘…for the…’ External panels (those professors from UITM and PAM) were invited to crit and comment on our works. All of the invited panels are Malays, and our presentation will be one to two panels (with one lecturer on side).

Kinda nervous, because it is the first time I am presenting my architecture work to external panels. Last time have done this kind of presentation before, but there is nothing much to learn from that time which is Foundation year. This time, really learn a lot from the panels too, eventhough I might be disagree with some of the opinions by them, since everyone will have different thoughts.

I am among the earliest one to present, trying to present it without showing any sign of nervous…able to do that successfully, but the panels said that my design is not that successfully, but with effort, because my project is done in large-scale, having to care on so many spaces in my design. Anyway, I’m satisfied with my performance today, and my design basically gets the approval from my lecturers. Everyone have different thoughts…this is what I can say, again!

There is one thing that I don’t agree much with the panels, that my design is not appropriate in terms of materials (glass) and proportion (those golden mean). Huh, they expect me to study on ancient Greek work of Golden Mean and Proportion so much. I actually think that glass is appropriately used in my design. Again, every person have different ideas! They have to accept my ideas, since this is my design…

Exhausted day, need to bring whole box of models and development sketches and the giant presentation board to classroom in early morning, and bring it back to my car, so far from the campus. Ahh, still got the Archicad assignment to be completed.

These are pictures of some of the boards presented today:

Some boards are really cool with computer graphic drawings, manual killer drawings, layout…models are nice…overall, almost all are good.

Today, submission for Design 102

Finally, today is the final submission of Design 102 final project, Project “…for the…”. This is a project which student is given a specific client, do research on client, do site analysis, design a dwelling for the client, build models (site model, design model and interior model), create an overall presentation board.

It is a very hectic journey, a challenging journey to pass this significant module. Just able to finish it on time, with all models and board. Today just print my board at smaller version (not actual size which is five A1 combined together), to lecturers to comment and change (sure there will be changes on the layout).

Arrghh..reach classroom around 3pm, still not many people in there. Almost all can’t finish all the works especially interior models. The lecturers said that today is not final submission. Haiz…I didn’t have my breakfast and lunch just to finish my board, and they say it is not final submission. Have to bring everything again, this Friday for the ‘real’ final submission.

Today, I have seen a lot of nice, beautifully-built sectional models…some are fantastic, I wonder how they build it. I knew the efforts they spend on models until having no time to do board…

These are the final models submitted today:

My models are in among the pictures above. Can you identify?

Description of my project will be revealed later, including more pictures of my models, and a preview of my board.

Finally, the project is almost coming to an end, and semester is almost coming to an end…I need semester break, which is three-months long..hurray…after that, Year 2 begins, more tougher and burdening life ahead…architecture students’ life is like this…

Design 102 Project: “…for the…” [Client Poster and Site Analysis]

Some of the update on my design project, “…for the…” in my module of Design 102, the final project that costs 60 percent out of the whole module, that’s a lot…

As I have told the project brief earlier in my previous post; select a client from a lucky draw, research on him/her and create an A2 poster, focusing on his/her unique characteristics and what spaces he/she needs. Then, go to Malacca (visited) for site visit and create an A1 board of site analysis of your chosen site that is related to your client.

The progress is currently until here, end of site analysis part, two more important parts to go, the design part and the interior space part. For design part, develop your design, build a model sitting on a site, and do presentation board. For interior part, build another portiion of model in much detail to show interior space, how is it being used. Finally, create a final presentation board with all models prepared for oral presentation.

My client is Amadeus Mozart, a famous musician. I stressed on his final music work, known as ‘Requiem’ which is incomplete. When he wrote this music, ordered by an unknown stranger, he knew that this piece of music is for himself as his health is getting deteriorated day by day. He kept himself in one place, full of pressure to write this music. Finally, he died because of it.

I am going to design a multi-purpose dwelling for him; a working space for him to complete the music, and a performing center for him to perform his music to the visitors in Malacca (the site). My site is on a reclaimed land of Malacca River, bordering a newly-built park and facing the Maritime Museum (a museum that resembled a Portuguese ship). The environment there is calm, peaceful, with sound from flowing water and wind. My site will be an extension from the existing pathway and park and offers a great panoramic view. Many tourists walk around the area (Malacca River Square) and will notice the iconic structure (my design – later) easily from the park, from the nearby Maritime Museum and Taming Sari Tower (observatory tower).

My first (Client and Function) Poster: (A2 board)

final client poster copy

My second (Site Analysis) board: (This board consists of 6A3, size more than A1, less than A0)

final site analysis copy

Honestly, these boards are not perfect, there are slight mistakes in there, but still okay (satisfactory) overall…can be posted here for reference purpose only, no other intention is allowed. The drawings shown above are done manually, up to scale, and with line quality (thickness).

The last two remaining and the most important parts will be shown later in my future posts, since it has not been done yet up to schedule. Really busy weeks ahead. Architecture is torturing life!…