Movie review for ‘Scouts Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse’, ‘Containment’ and ‘Pan’ (2015)

This week is not coming to an end yet and I have already watched three movies. Usually, I can only match that record in a full week. I’m expecting that I could be watching more films in these coming weeks to catch up to all films released this year that I wished to watch. So, please be patient with me if you are annoyed by excessive movie reviews later on in my blog here. Early warning to my blog visitors first.

The first movie I watched this week is ‘Scouts Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse’. The story is about three teenage scouts amending their broken friendship while saving their town from zombie outbreak. I had fun watching this zombie film that contained all the thrills that a zombie movie should have. It has all the necessary gore, a predictable plot (I’m okay with that), interesting chasing scenes and actions, and awkwardly funny moments in between. The only thing I’m not that happy about is the excessive focus on many sexual elements in this movie. They can have some in it for the sake of it, but this movie went a bit too much for that. Other than that, this horror comedy film is highly entertaining to watch and out of 10 points, I rate ‘Scouts Guide to Zombie Apocalypse’ a total of 7.3.



The second movie of which I watched it last night is ‘Containment’. The story is about a man woke up in his apartment and realized that electricity, water and telecommunication supplies were all cut out. The doors and windows to outside were sealed. What he saw were only their apartment blocks sealed and military tents set outside with several people in protective suits. Some kind of viral outbreak occurred and he teamed up with his neighbours to fidn out the truth. Sounds interesting but the movie failed to deliver with this brilliant concept. Eventhough this idea had been frequently used in past movies before, but there can be many new directions for another new movie on viral outbreak. This movie instead going in a dull flow all the way with little drama and tension. I had a boring time watching this. Out of 10 points, I rate ‘Containment’ a total of 6.0.



And lastly, I managed to watch ‘Pan’ just now. It is a fantasy adventure film based on the popular Peter Pan story. I’m curious of all the mostly negative reviews given to this film. It’s because that I actually find the movie quite interesting. The story revolves on a 12-year-old orphan named Peter whom is spirited away to the magical world of Neverland. There, he finds both fun and danger, and ultimately discovers his destiny — to become the hero who will be forever known as Peter Pan. This synopsis sounds similar but many things were told differently in this movie than the original Peter Pan story. I enjoyed the story.




The film starred Levi Miller as Peter Pan, Hugh Jackman as Blackbeard (the villain), Garrett Hedlund as Hook, Rooney Mara as Tiger Lily, etc. We all previously knew that Hook is the villain in Peter Pan’s story but now for this movie, he is a good guy. Hugh Jackman is the one taking on the villain role now. Well, this story is set as a prequel to the famous Peter Pan story and hence if there is a sequel for this movie, then Hook will become a bad guy later on (or maybe pretending to be bad since Hollywood likes major twist to original stories). I hope they do a sequel because I enjoyed this movie and looking forward to see the next one if there is. The visuals are stunning and breathtaking. The visualizers must have worked very hard for it and I think they deserved some applause from me. Beautiful effects all over that makes the movie a feast to the eyes. Out of 10 points, I rate ‘Pan’ a total of 7.7.

(Images in this post are from various sources throughout the world wide web)