Last post of the year. Goodbye 2015! Last movies’ review of the year too.

Today is the last day of 2015, and so this is ultimately my last blog post of the year! Another year is coming to an end, and we are all marching towards another brand new year beginning tomorrow. Time flies. Years and years come and go in a split second while we are all getting older and older eventhough we didn’t want to. This is life, and the most important is to enjoy the most out of it. Time is precious, and so do our beautiful life. If you are not having a great 2015, then leave that behind and stay positive for a wonderful 2016 ahead! Say bye to 2015…


Many are already taking leave today and it is very reasonably acceptable to be lazy on this last day of the year. I still went for work today, but my mind is already overwhelmed with holiday and year-end mood. Fortunately, our office’s admin allowed us to leave two hours early today. The whole office cheered! Right after the new year celebration tomorrow, things would be back to normal and we have to get back to full working mode! Anyway, we shall make this last day of 2015 a happy and an unforgettable one! We shall end the year with something fun and exciting, isn’t it? Many have plans for tonight like going for countdown, but I personally prefer to stay at home. Home sweet home…

I ended the year 2015 by watching two more movies and they are ‘In The Heart Of The Sea’ and ‘The Good Dinosaur’. So, this part onward shall be allocated for my last movies’ review of the year. ‘In The Heart Of The Sea’ is an action adventure fantasy thriller film based on a non-fiction book of the same name and it’s about the adventure and sinking of a whale-hunting ship Essex in 1820, an event that inspired the novel Moby-Dick. The movie starred Christ Hemsworth, Benjamin Walker, Cillian Murphy, Tom Holland, Ben Whishaw, etc. I got interested to this movie after I had watched its first trailer few months back. However, the movie turned out to be a bit draggy and boring, mainly perhaps due to the long run-time. I also couldn’t feel the excitement and drama intended from the story. The only positive thing I can think of right now for this movie is its beautiful visual effects and some good performances by the cast. Nothing outstanding (that means disappointed from the very promising trailer earlier), nothing engaging, mostly flat and lacks soul. Out of 10 points, I rate ‘In The Heart Of The Sea’ a total of 6.7.



Next up is ‘The Good Dinosaur’. It is an animated film by Pixar about a dinosaur named Arlo making an unlikely human friend after he got swept away from a storm and separated from his family. He and his human friend of which he named ‘Spot’ set out on an adventure to get back home. Pixar is already gaining critical acclaim from ‘Inside Out’ movie early this year and they are back with another one before the year end which is this movie. Eventhough ‘The Good Dinosaur’ is not among the greatest of Pixar movies (Inside Out is still the best animated movie of the year so far), but it is still a one enjoyable and entertaining animated movie to watch. The story is fairly average with expected plot but what Pixar achieved all the time that put their movies above the rest is the emotional impact even in animated films. ‘The Good Dinosaur’ hits on that too. It is also visually spectacular. Out of 10 points, I rate ‘The Good Dinosaur’ a total of 7.5.



Now, time to end the post on this New Year’s Eve. I have been looking out at the clock frequently today to wait excitedly for 12am to listen to fireworks from the outside to mark the arrival of 2016!

(Images in this post are from various sources throughout the world wide web)