Design 102 Project: “…for the…” [Client Poster and Site Analysis]

Some of the update on my design project, “…for the…” in my module of Design 102, the final project that costs 60 percent out of the whole module, that’s a lot…

As I have told the project brief earlier in my previous post; select a client from a lucky draw, research on him/her and create an A2 poster, focusing on his/her unique characteristics and what spaces he/she needs. Then, go to Malacca (visited) for site visit and create an A1 board of site analysis of your chosen site that is related to your client.

The progress is currently until here, end of site analysis part, two more important parts to go, the design part and the interior space part. For design part, develop your design, build a model sitting on a site, and do presentation board. For interior part, build another portiion of model in much detail to show interior space, how is it being used. Finally, create a final presentation board with all models prepared for oral presentation.

My client is Amadeus Mozart, a famous musician. I stressed on his final music work, known as ‘Requiem’ which is incomplete. When he wrote this music, ordered by an unknown stranger, he knew that this piece of music is for himself as his health is getting deteriorated day by day. He kept himself in one place, full of pressure to write this music. Finally, he died because of it.

I am going to design a multi-purpose dwelling for him; a working space for him to complete the music, and a performing center for him to perform his music to the visitors in Malacca (the site). My site is on a reclaimed land of Malacca River, bordering a newly-built park and facing the Maritime Museum (a museum that resembled a Portuguese ship). The environment there is calm, peaceful, with sound from flowing water and wind. My site will be an extension from the existing pathway and park and offers a great panoramic view. Many tourists walk around the area (Malacca River Square) and will notice the iconic structure (my design – later) easily from the park, from the nearby Maritime Museum and Taming Sari Tower (observatory tower).

My first (Client and Function) Poster: (A2 board)

final client poster copy

My second (Site Analysis) board: (This board consists of 6A3, size more than A1, less than A0)

final site analysis copy

Honestly, these boards are not perfect, there are slight mistakes in there, but still okay (satisfactory) overall…can be posted here for reference purpose only, no other intention is allowed. The drawings shown above are done manually, up to scale, and with line quality (thickness).

The last two remaining and the most important parts will be shown later in my future posts, since it has not been done yet up to schedule. Really busy weeks ahead. Architecture is torturing life!…