16th anniversary of 911 and new iPhone X release!

Two days ago, 11th September 2017 marks the 16th anniversary of the tragic 911 terrorist attacks in the United States. A news that had the world stunned and in shock. The image of the World Trade Center twin towers collapsing after being hit by passenger planes still haunts the minds of millions of people especially the Americans. 16 years have passed, and all shall move on. There is a small tribute ceremony held to mark this particular anniversary on the Ground Zero site, now redeveloped into a Memorial Park with the finished new 1 WTC tower. Some have commented to only organize such memorial ceremony once in every five years, rather than once a year as a sign for people to move on from this sorrow memory.


I disagree in my personal opinion. You can have 364 days a year to ‘move on’ but why not just take a single day in a year to look back to the past and remember this tragedy and the lives lost from it. It’s not a big request. A simple tribute ceremony as a gesture of respect once a year is still reasonable. At the end of the day, we do not wish to see any more terrorist attacks happening in this world. Attacks of such proportion in September 2001 on the US is terribly wrong. Every time I re-watch the clips of the news coverage or videos taken by the public during the twin towers’ attack and collapse, I’m deeply saddened. These terrorists are inhuman for doing such nasty things.

And, the day after (yesterday) is also a big day in US. Apple has just announced its latest release of the new iPhone X (and iPhone 8 and 8Plus, Apple Watch Series 3) yesterday to the public in a grand product launch event. It is also the first grand event that is held on the Apple’s new campus that is shaped like a ring (or a huge alien ship) that reportedly costs US$ 5 billion dollar to construct. What an expensive building. I contributed some for it too since I am an iPhone user. I’m a bit excited for its new iPhone X (X means 10 in romans to mark the 10th anniversary of the first iPhone release back in 2007). It has glass on the phone’s back for wireless charging ability, facial-recognition feature to unlock phone, absence of home button, screen filling up the whole front of the phone, latest operating software (IOS 11), better camera technology, etc. All these new features may have been done by the other smartphone brands earlier but hey, now it’s Apple’s turn. Due to its branding, hence all of its products are super expensive.

But I’m still attracted to it somehow. Will I buy? No. My previous iPhone 5 died last year. I can no longer wait for this new phone and so I bought the iPhone 7 in October last year. Now, even my iPhone 7 is considered out-dated even it is just one-year old. If my previous iPhone 5 can survive for another year (last until now), then I will certainly go for this new iPhone X. But it costs a whopping US$ 999 at least. Crazy…On the other hand, nobody really wants to talk much about the other products; iPhone 8 and 8 Plus which is just a slight upgrade from iPhone 7. As for the new Apple Watch Series 3, its new features are the ability to make and receive calls and surf internet. A very small gadget but with multiple advanced functions. Will I buy it? No. I don’t think I need it. Fancy and cool stuff but not necessary. I’m fine with just the smartphone. And on top of that, it’s very costly!

There are more and more great smartphones out there by other brands. Hence, I think Apple do really need to further step up their game in their future products. This new iPhone X may looks awesome but still there is nothing really ‘breakthrough’ or very ‘wow’ from it.

(Images in this post are from various sources throughout the world wide web)


Movie review: X Men – First Class (2011)

Not only the movie’s title bears the phrase ‘first class’, but it is really a movie of the first class! In the beginning of its release or even much earlier when I have watched the trailer for this movie ‘X Men: First Class’, I had no intention or excitement on going to go for it, mainly due to lack of my memory towards the ‘X Men’ franchise by Marvel which the original one was way back long time ago.

Now, this movie is a reboot or a prequel (not a sequel, but in opposite), telling the story of how the ‘X Men’ group all started before the continuity on the few films released previously. However, the movie does not elaborate much on each of the group members’ background, and I think it is not necessary for that too as it would take over few hours just for that. Hence, this movie had this part cut short but still adequate enough to keep the story moving before the other successive films that have been released long time ago. So, this movie sets on a time over few decades ago, when there is rise in tension between United States and Russia which could evokes World War 3, as wished by the main villain of the film, Sebastian Shaw whom is one of the mutants too and possess super power. (what power? I will not tell to avoid spoiler) Here below is the official trailer of the film:

Professor Xavier (or in short, X) whom is actually another mutant while working as a professor in genetic mutation formed a group by recruiting other mutants and worked in team to prevent the success of the villain and his mutant assistants too. From this brief plot I mentioned, it is already very promising that many action scenes would be delivered due to some details which is only to be revealed when you watch the movie which evokes much fighting scenes involving use of different super powers. Those action-packed scenes are the ones that caught my attention the most.

Other parts of the movie will get you excited or you would even being brought deeper into the story itself which is very interesting indeed, as though you can really feel how the characters feel (especially the part when each X-Men members trying to control and maximise the use of their specific power). That part is not only serious-based, but also some humors are added to make it exciting yet enjoyable and entertaining, which includes the other parts of the movie that all lasted in about two hours; not too long and not too short which is just enough to make the whole film almost perfect.

The time allocated to each parts of the film is well planned and the whole framework is well crafted. The performance by the casts especially the main ones (all the X Men members) are very solid, good and natural, and further credit should be given to James McAvoy as Charles Xavier, Michael Fassbender as Magneto and Kevin Bacon as Sebastian, the main villain. The only part that I am a bit disappointed is where Sebastian which is seems so powerful but is killed in a very easy way and in a very quick period of time without any intense fighting scenes at the end. More emphasis should be given for that, on defeating the main villain, rather than his allies instead…nevermind, I’m still fine with it as usually the boss don’t need to fight the most.

The part when humans are involved is also very interesting especially at the end whom are not accepting the presence of mutants. The two nations (US and Russia) in the film joined force to defeat the mutants but is failed and even almost causing them to deal with the harm they ignited themselves. All these are stopped when the main character, Professor Xavier came to action (not really action, but few powerful words of advice). The movie also ends with a different manner of conclusion, and so don’t expect something very typical, happy or whatsoever which is a good and fresh thing for a movie’s ending.

Despite I’m freaking cold in the cinema’s hall during the time of the movie, but my attention was still in focus to the development of the story. That is how strong the movie performed. This is the coolest hall I am ever in for a movie, which is at IOI Mall, Puchong. I almost get sick and can’t stand the coolness any much longer. Okay…back to the movie, everything is brilliantly-created, except a little-bit-too-fake images of huge crashing scenes at the end. The CGI effects on this part is being ignored, but still it does shows out what it wanted to show and it is not too long. When a movie is too good until the reviewers like me mentioning till the every details of it (and notice I wrote a long review here, right?) , it means that the movie is really good, worth-watching and excellent.

By far, this is the best film of the year up until now, and it is the only movie I watched in the year that received a rating of over 8 from me, and even from IMDB. It received very positive reviews from many associations, websites and groups too, but I personally had my own view which is very positive also to the movie in all aspects. So, my rating finally for the movie is 8.1. If this isn’t going into for Oscar’s nomination for best film next year, I would be very disappointed. This is really a movie of first class.