Cityville celebrates its 2nd anniversary, and unbelievably, I’m still on this game.

Zynga’s Cityville is first launched in early December 2010 as far as I knew. Then, the game received immediate widespread popularity to the point that it is like 7 out of 10 Facebook friends of mine played it. And so then, I am introduced to this game ever since…and until now, surprisingly, I’m still not giving up on this game. Not long after the game’s launch, it get its fame, but similarly to other once popular games in Facebook, its popularity is declining after a short while with reducing number of daily players. Nevertheless, Cityville is still a big hit in Facebook for once a time.

(Image source:

A time ago, there are few quite addictive Facebook games that get us attracted. Many of you would still remember ‘Restaurant City’, ‘Mob Wars’, ‘Pet Society’ like me, but I’m sure not many of us would returns to these games we had once attached to. I knew I myself would drop a game like few months after playing it. Okay, I would give usually the longest a year for a game. But this Cityville game broke my tradition. Couldn’t believe I’m still playing it up until now, and I have to say that I’m a daily player to this game. Everyday after work, no matter how tiring I am, I would go online and then play this game for a while. It has become somehow part of my daily routine.

Of course for that continuous effort on this game, my city in this game is indeed very huge compared to most of my friends’ cities. I am now in level 110 (that’s no doubt a very high level) and going well to reach level 111 soon before the end of the year, topping most of my other Zynga friends’ cities as well. Playing a game that enables me to run a city like this is kind off my interest and that certainly gets me going without a full stop. Yes, sometimes I find myself getting bored of this game already, but then there is this little passion in my heart that drives me to get back to this game as frequent as in daily manner.

Well, there is actually nothing much time-consuming stuff I can do from logging on to this game recently. I am trying hard to keep my city growing by increasing population and population limit. The hardest thing to do would be to expand my city. And then, there are a lot of goals that I find too hard to achieve. So, I get back to this game mostly just to use up all my available energy to gain more XPs and that’s it. That is quite boring and I should have drop the game, but then, as I said earlier, I still didn’t leave Cityville. By the way, happy 2nd anniversary to the games which also marks a full two years of me on this game. Unexpected.