Movie review: Salt (2010)

Another movie review, this time is ‘Salt’, just released on cinema yesterday, and yes…I watched the premiere, the first day the film is released, quite seldom for that….’Salt’ for this film does not means the salt that we eat almost everyday in our food, it’s about a girl named ‘Evelyn Salt’, whom is a spy in duty to destroy United States, trained under Russia to topple US in a mission called ‘Day X’.


It’s basically an action-packed film with only one main performer, Angelina Jolie, whom of course acts as Evelyn Salt, the only main character in the story. Everything revolves about her, how and why she became spy, how and why she beats and kills all the guys that interrupt her mission.

She is definitely a great actress. Cool outlook especially her face, most suitable to be portrayed as a character of assassin, which she had done it before for so much time like in movie of ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Smith’ and this one of course. This one, she herself steals the show, one and only one. She is very cool, very hot and very capable of portraying this kind of character…her face is stunning!

The story of the film is quite good, you will be surprised with some sudden twist on the plot, suddenly a good guy becomes the real bad guy, and the killing spy girl, Salt is actually a good spy, preventing the nuclear operation on Islamic world that will cause their anger towards US , and by killing all those people in mission of toppling US. She is Russian, and I don’t understand why she helped US rather than Russia. For world peace, I guess…haha…sorry for such movie spoiler….the sudden twist to the plot, unexpected storyline is rather good….better than those expected and predicted plot…overall, it’s a good movie with a lot of running (escaping) scenes and action-packed (killing, beating) scenes. Watch it, it’s very worthy and all the credits to Angelina Jolie…without her as the character in the film, this would not be a success one (to be honest), good story still needs good actors and actresses to perform…out of 10 points, I would give it 7.2. Quite a good rating…