Fascinated with Google Map’s Street View…now available in Malaysia.

It has come to our attention today that the ‘Street View’ feature in Google Map is finally available for Malaysia. This feature which allows us to see a place/location in street level is introduced quite some time ago in US, and then slowly expanding to include other countries across the world too. This is a significant added feature in the Google Map/Earth programme which is first created for us to see places only in aerial view (can only see the plans). Now, things look surprisingly cool and real..thanks to the ‘Street View’.

In these recent months, you may have noticed strange-looking car or vehicle (Google camera car) wondering around in our local streets. Yup…those cars were recording the images. And now, it is finally available online in Google Map. The visuals are quite clear too, except when they had to purposely blurred out the people faces, car plate numbers, etc for privacy reason. My colleagues were all discussing about it today as we were quite excited of this new feature. The first place we looked into is our office. Then, we moved on to check out street views of some sites of our office’s projects. That is cool. Now, we don’t even need to go to the place to take images. We can just search it in Google Map in ‘Street View’ feature and see its panoramic images.

Very beneficial especially when some of our project sites are in other states, particularly Johor. If this feature is not available, then we have to travel few hours to Johor just to take some site images. Now, it can be done in few minutes time. But the images shown were actually dated back at least several months ago. Anyway, it’s still considered quite updated. Everyone is happy with this feature but some raised privacy and security concern. Even my house is shown in the ‘street view’ eventhough it is located way deep inside a huge neighbourhood. Quite surprised to actually get to see it.

Of course I wouldn’t post that street view image of my house here due to privacy reason. But wait…I’m going to spend the night playing around with this cool feature. And here are some of the amazing street-view images I saw of KL just now in Google Map.







If you have nothing to do, try out this street view feature which is only introduced in Malaysia by late of September. Looks fun and very beneficial. You can see your home, your school, your frequently-visited streets or shops, your favourite places, some destinations you wished to go but haven’t had the chance yet, etc.


Cool new feature of blog’statistic recently discovered, this time showing the views by country…and I like it.

Today when I checked my blog’s statistic from the dashboard, I am surprised as a new feature of statistic is shown. There are many other features, but I am bored looking at those statistic that only shows primarily numbers. Now, there is one added feature; views by country and a world map showing which part of the world visited my blog from the most to the least.

Now, I know people from which countries that visited my blog the most, and it is the people from United States! Well, I believe many people from United States love to read blogs, and I’m glad that my blog is part of their reading too. Just for this last seven days alone, there are 3000 views from USA, which topped the list of my blog’s statistic. The second country that topped the list as of current, is my own nation, Malaysia, reaching over 2400 views as of current which I already expected, since most of the posts written are generally related to my country. The third in the list is United Kingdom with over 1000 views too.

Below that page also shows a world map with intensity of views from that particular country indicated by tones of colour. That looks interesting and clearly presents the data very well without the need of figures. Well, the figures are also presented above. Very detailed statistic this time. Hopes that WordPress would be more creative in the future on creating new feature in blog’s statistic. The map can be seen below that shows the statistic only for the past seven days, and so it would slightly changes every day.

Since WordPress blogs are blocked and banned in China, which the government exerts a very strict control over internet access, that huge country is totally left off in my blog’s statistic. If there is no such ban, then the number of views to my blog would be much much higher. Too bad, it’s their rules. WordPress is also blocked in some other countries. If there is no such ban at all, then the world map’s statistic of my blog would all be filled with colour, instead of some grey spots present now, which indicated no record of views at all.