Assignments, drama, and Olympics.

My past two weeks are all explained in my title of this blog post. It’s been quite some time since I last updated my blog here, and it’s all because that I have already been very busy with my study for the second semester beginning this month. It was only the end of Week 2 of this second semester only, but my time has already been filled out, mostly with all the assignments. Stress inevitably comes in, especially on this time when I don’t really like the subjects taught this semester with uninteresting topics.

The only good thing of this semester so far is that me and my classmates will be heading to Taiwan for two weeks to attend an international workshop under a unit. At first, we thought this unit would be interesting with that trip, but things didn’t turn out as we wanted. In this particular unit, not only we have to learn how to use Rhinoceros software, but also to learn a new visual programming plug-in called Grasshopper. Well, this plug-in is certainly the most complicated software I have ever used and it is going to give us a hard time for the duration of this whole unit. Anyway, we are all looking forward to the trip as we can have the opportunity to visit some places in Taiwan in the same time. It has been 8 years since I last visited Taiwan and I hope to see the majestic Taipei 101 skyscraper again. We will be flying there next weekend and will be stopping by at our motherland (KL, Malaysia) for a transit flight.


To reduce the pressure from my study, my frequent blog visitors would know already that one of my effective ways on achieving that would be watching Hong Kong dramas every evening. Recently, there is this new TVB series called ‘A Fist Within Four Walls’. I have been catching up to this series every evening no matter how busy I am. It’s so far the most intense TVB drama of the year, which easily makes it also the best TVB drama of the year so far too. It has a lot of intense scenes, a lot of actions (martial art sequences), a lot of suspense, and awesome performances by the cast. I won’t explain more about it as I will be reserving it for my review of this drama once it has concluded. So far, it has been very exciting, interesting and engaging to watch.


The Rio 2016 Summer Olympic Games is on-going and of course I have to mention a bit about it. I also manage to watch some of the competitions in this games. I have heard that Vietnam has won their first ever Olympic gold medal recently. Singapore has also achieved the same just few hours ago. When is Malaysia’s turn? We are seriously desperate for a gold after have been appearing in Olympic Games in such a long history. So far we only have a consolation prize of which Pandelela Rinong and Cheong Jun Hoong won a silver in women’s 10m synchronised platform in diving event. Anyway, a huge congratulation to them, and our next goal in Rio 2016 is a gold! Nothing more. Let us all wish that our Dato Lee Chong Wei can accomplish that in the badminton men single event soon. All the best to all our Malaysian athletes in Rio 2016! As I’m right now staying in Australia, I also keep an eye on Australia’s performance in the Olympics. So far so good, with 5 gold medals already in hand. I’m jealous with them as it looks so much easier for them to get gold medals. Topping the medal standing so far is United States as expected.


(Images in this post are from various sources throughout the world wide web)