A new look to our design studio and on-going preparation for exhibition in campus

As I have nothing much to do at home during the holiday which I’m enjoying now, I took some days to go back to campus for helping to set up the exhibition for the end of year for our own faculty. This is the only year that I participate fully for the exhibition, as this is the final year where we can showcase our works to the industry people and also to our parents, family and friends coming for our graduation for the first time.

Manpower is needed of course to clean up and prepare our design studio which is going to be the venue to showcase all our works, each composed into only a single A2 portrait poster. As previously our studio is used for moderation with all the boxes kept containing all our design works, and also some other works, we have to move all that into next studio which now acts as a storage room and also working chamber for our juniors to help out for the exhibition. Our studio is then cleaned, and treated for the upcoming exhibition starting end of this week. I have never seen our studio to be so neat and all the tables beautifully arranged. So, I can say I have seen a very new refreshing look of our studio after spending many years in there, struggling in life as an architecture student.

Editing and composing are also works needed to be done on behalf of the whole class for production of A2 exhibition panels. The atmosphere along the corridor as well as in the studios appear to be very busy, but also at the same time relaxing as our semester has already ended. We came not for assignments or classes, but for helping out for exhibition. So, the whole atmosphere differs. After graduation, I won’t be going back to the campus, and so I take this opportunity to have a few final look over our design studio, reminding me of the past when we gathered together for classes, doing works inside, having fun with the friends and lecturers.

Very few of third year students (my classmates) came for helping eventhough had already being stressed by our lecturers, or I can say almost to the point of threatening. So I guess many really seriously can’t make it (some going back to their home country, some away for something else, some outstation, some going back hometown already, some missing in action). Anyway, after all these days, I can see the progress is going very well and the exhibition would be a success.

My final semester’s result is out!

Huh, finally, after a week or two after my final semester ends, the result is finally released in Oasis Curtin website as usual. The result for Curtin students have been released much earlier as they have started all things weeks earlier than the Curtin offshore programme here in Limkokwing. I already knew I passed all earlier, as confirmed from my programme leader as to make sure all of us graduate on 17th December. Eventhough I knew that, but I still felt very nervous and scary just now, as soon as I clicked in the page to view my result. That feeling of looking at our result for the first time would never gets off from students.

Ahh…talking about my result for this final semester that paves the way for my graduation on this degree level in architecture….there is quite a huge breakthrough and accomplishment from this latest result, but also comes with quite a disappointment in few subjects. I took five subjects, as similar with mainly all my classmates, and I obtained only grade 5 for Working Drawings 302 (little more points to reach grade 6), and grade 6 for Architecture and Culture 302. For the other three remaining modules (Building Science 302, Building Technology 302, and Architecture Design 302), I am rewarded grade 8 for three of them.

So, looking at that result gives me great happiness, but at the same time sadness for two particular subjects that I thought earlier would perform quite well too. Really didn’t expect to get quite a low marks for both the subjects that brought down the level of ‘flying colours’ in my result. Anyway, there is still something to celebrate for : this is the first time I’m achieving grade 8 (High Distinction) in the most essential and heavyweight module, Architecture Design 302. Ahh, and also the first time in history getting grade 8 also in Building Technology 302, which is a module that I’m not quite interested in. Overall, this is the first time and also definitely the last time in the degree study I have completed that I have achieved three High Distinctions (grade 8 ) in a semester, in this final semester.

Anyway, our achievement for the final semester is over, and our works have certainly becomes history already, which might also be used as reference for our juniors. What me and my classmates are waiting for now is the graduation on this 17th December and also managing the exhibition of our works to the industry people and also our parents when they come and visit during graduation day. So, by now, all appears to be all well ends well. To be honest, I’m quite satisfied (actually quite happy and excited) over this result eventhough there is points of disappointment from it. Ahh, just don’t expect so much, then your life would be much enjoyable and happier with less worry.


TVB 44th Anniversary Awards 2011 Winners List

Let’s get this post quick directly to the result, announced not long ago (few hours ago) live from Hong Kong, aired here in Malaysia through Astro Wah Lai Toi. The winning list of the TVB 44th Anniversary Awards 2011 is as below:

Best Drama : Lives of Omission

(Final 5: Yes Sir, Sorry Sir, Lives of Omission, Ghetto Justice, Forensic Heroes III, The Other Truth)

Best Informative Programme : Water of Life

Best Variety Programme : All Star Glam Exam

Best Host : Grasshopper – All Star Glam Exam

TVB.com blog popularity award : Kevin Cheng

Extraordinary Elegant Male and Female Artistes: Bosco Wong and Myolie Wu. 

Lifetime Achievement Award : Lee Heung Kam.

Most Improved Male Artiste : Jin Au-yeung (Big Boys Club, Show Me The Happy, Stairway to Dragon, Yes Sir Sorry Sir!, Lives of Omission, Kung Fu Supernova, Top Eats 100)

Most Improved Female Artiste : Sire Ma (Eat This Way, Relic of an Emissary, River of Wine, Men with no Shadows, Curse of the Royal Harem)

Best Supporting Actor : Ben Wong (Lives of Omission)

(Final 5: Ben Wong, Derek Kwok, Jazz Lam, Pierre Ngo, Lee Kwok Lun)

Best Supporting Actress : Sharon Chan (Ghetto Justice)

(Final 5: Nancy Wu, Sharon Chan, Natalie Tong, Aimee Chan, Helen Ma)

My Favourite Male TV Character : Kevin Cheng as Law Ba in Ghetto Justice

(Final 5: Michael Tse, Kevin Cheng, Bosco Wong, Wayne Lai, Ruco Chan)

My Favourite Female TV Character : Myolie Wu as Kris Wong in Ghetto Justice

(Final 5: Linda Chung, Fala Chen, Myolie Wu, Maggie Cheung, Aimee Chan)

Best Actor : Kevin Cheng (Ghetto Justice)

(Final 5: Michael Tse, Kevin Cheng, Moses Chan, Wayne Lai, Bosco Wong)

Best Actress : Myolie Wu (Curse of the Royal Harem)

(Final 5: Liza Wang, Myolie Wu, Fala Chen, Linda Chung, Maggie Cheung)

Comment : I’m so glad for Myolie Wu for winning the Best Actress. She also won the Most Favourite TV Female Character in the same year which made her as double TV Queen of the year, having the same record with Charmaine Sheh back in 2006. She won both awards, but with two different series. Same goes to Kevin Cheng whom won Best Actor and Most Favourite TV Male Character for his role in only single drama: Ghetto Justice. Congratulation to them as the biggest winners of the night, as well as to the other winners too! I have not much comment on others, and it appears that the result is almost similar to that of Astro on Demand awards presented last week. The most significant difference is the best series that for this TVB award is granted to Lives of Omission rather than Ghetto Justice. Myolie Wu totally deserved winning tonight for this year, not only looking at her performance in the series she contested in but also in her efforts for so many years in Hong Kong TV industry. So, basically, Myolie Wu and Kevin Cheng grabbed the most awards, each having 3, leaving many other male and female artistes empty-handed.

TVB drama review: Curse of the Royal Harem (2011)

I have just finished watching the TVB series (Curse of the Royal Harem) that has came to a conclusion yesterday night with showing of final two episodes. I like drama that revolves on the theme of ancient palace rivalry between the concubines involving the empress, like what been seen in dramas earlier like War and Beauty, Beyond the Realm of Conscience and this one, Curse of the Royal Harem. There are three main characters from this drama that gets involved in the rivalry, namely Yuen Yuen (Myolie Wu), Yi Lan (Jessica Hsuan) and Qing Yue (Nancy Wu). Of course, there are other concubines, but they have only very minor roles in the drama and so not much tricks can be seen from the others.

Yuen Yuen at first becomes the empress and hold the highest position among all the wives that the emperor has. Due to the jealousy towards Yi Lan that received much more attention and love from the emperor (Sunny Chan) that granted her to become the top and most favourite concubine, just a rank below the empress, Yuen Yuen alongside with her mother had many evil plans, which some succeeded and some failed. Finally, Yuen Yuen is overthrown, and Yi Lan is crowned as empress whom at first was a kind woman turned into a woman with bad heart due to the experience she had in the palace rivalry. Qing Yue is actually the most evil, whom at first was only a maid, turned into a concubine after many dirty tactics used, but died at the end on the hand of Yi Lan.

This drama obviously puts aside the male characters, as this focuses mainly on palace rivalry. The emperor appears to be helpless and ‘blinded’ by all the deeds by his wives. However, there are still quite a huge portion allocated for the men, on the administration and corruption issue which I’m not so interested in. Actually, I have nothing much to comment on this drama that is not being done to its best obviously. Lack of attention is given to the final episodes which are supposed to be very exciting, filled with heart-stopping moments! But not at all in reality! I had a high expectation for this drama at first, but then the ending definitely disappointed me! It doesn’t even looks like an ending for me! Yeah, the ending looks weird, one of its kind, but then is too normal, too bad to end a drama that is supposed to be dramatic!

I love the beginning and the middle parts of the drama. TVB informed us that it has 30 episodes, but turned out having only 29 episodes! What’s wrong? Hmm…The drama still lacks many things, many interesting aspects that already can be observed from previous dramas on the similar theme. However, I do like the performance by the main casts and even the supporting casts. Eventhough I see that Myolie still doesn’t perform to the best on her character, but I think she tried her best, and I can see it. It’s also considered a breakthrough for her. While for Jessica Hsuan, I find there is nothing interesting on her character from the beginning till the end of the drama, eventhough there is a sudden upside-down change to her personality. Nancy Wu did a good job here. Anyway, Myolie Wu still outshines many others…

This drama really disappointed me! This theme of palace rivalry can be presented in many brilliant ways, and this drama only achieves 50% of it, which is a bit wasted. It has a very good potential, but then everything turned wrong, looking on how the story is being treated and dragged, from sudden excitement or climax build-up to sudden settlement to a much calmer and boring moments. Anyway, I do like the costumes and the set up for the setting of the scenes appearing like being inside the palace. There is effort there, but just don’t reach to a good point. Too bad…out of 10 points, I can only give this one 6.8.


Movie review: Arthur Christmas (2011)

It’s time for an early Christmas movie! ‘Arthur Christmas’ has been released to the cinemas and it’s a good time to watch it! It would sparks an early Xmas atmosphere. The film revolves on the story of Santa’s youngest son, Arthur on an adventure to hand the present to a single child that has been missed from the high-tech operation of sending presents by a space ship controlled by Santa’s eldest son, Steve.

All I can summarize is that it is a good Christmas movie indeed! At first, I don’t really have a good impression on this animated film after watching its trailer. But then, the movie goes far beyond than what being shown in the trailer itself, added with excitement, exhilaration, entertainment, and definitely beautiful lovely classic Christmas songs! The visual effects might not be the best as what can be compared these days, but that doesn’t matter much once the story itself is already appealing!

Ya, the story is expected and predicted to be a story of adventure, a story that would comes with happy ending for a celebrative and joyous Xmas season! However, the plot comes in a way that it is fun, with not a single second that it would gets boring actually! Eventhough there is not much funny things going on that not much laugh is provoked, but the movie left us with a smile the whole time the film is being played. Not really, but the effect is there, that the movie successfully gives a light warm lovely feel to the audiences!

There is almost no flaw or something disappointing from this film, from any angle of it…. except the visual effects which appear to be quite ordinary and not really appealing, others are done pretty well! The story of the film outshines here, and I can see how characters’ development is being shown sufficiently from this film. Arthur as the main character, is such a lovely character, alongside with his grandpa Santa and the present wrapper elf! Three of them are so cute on their tough ride to Trelew, England to hand in the present. The scene I like the most is the part when they sing Christmas song to cause the lions to sleep and not attacking them when they landed wrongly on Africa. That part is just funny and cool!

I’m glad this movie gets quite a good rating from IMDB and Rotten Tomatoes, and possibly many other sites. This movie is seriously good, and suitable for people of all ages actually! (not only meant for kids, trust me!). Definitely worth-watching, and I watch it in 3D which I think is better eventhough I don’t feel much comfortable with the additional 3D glasses. So out of 10 points, I would rate this film 7.7. Nowadays, quality of animated films are damn good, and this one is not an exception~! Arthur Christmas film would definitely enlighten and live up your Christmas festive mood!