Movie review: The Adventures of Tintin (2011)

Wow…the story is good, the visual effects are amazing! This is refering to the movie that I have watched few hours ago; The Adventures of Tintin. After learning from my friend that this movie is quite nice, so I decided to go for it, besides than another animated film released recently; Puss in Boots. ‘The Adventures of Tintin’ is certainly more than a typical animated film. It is a performance-capture film that translates the captured movement of casts into the animated picture, which make things look more realistic.

When the film began, I am amazed by the current advanced technology in motion capture in animation. It brings new dimension to the genre of animation. Many things look so real and natural, especially the characters (the people) themselves. Finest details are visible on their faces in the film, which is being converted to a realistic animated picture. This is cool. Ahh…and furthermore, it is directed by Steven Spielberg, whom must be providing us a movie with great quality and depth.

This film is not an exception. Almost everything is good in any aspects of the film. The story is nice, and greatly captured by exciting adventures in the plot, well-crafted characters, interesting scenes, and not to forget some funny humours in it. All that makes up for a very good movie. The casts performed really well even in this animated film, by showcasing brilliant voice, and communicative movements for the film as the story progresses. I have nothing much to comment on this film actually. This is because there is not much flaw I can find from this film except from a bit plain backdrop or some animated (computer-generated graphics) settings of the film, and also lack of much careful attention to the editing and visual effects (as seen in the beginning of the movie) in the last half of the movie.

So, these two weaknesses, brought down my rating to a level below 8 which is extremely good. Hence, this film stands now at 7.7 rating from me, which is considered a very good standing in the year. ‘The Adventures of Tintin’ certainly brought much fun and entertainment to me, especially to the kids but I can assure you that this film is suitable for all ages too. Eventhough I did not read the comic books of the same title before, but I do really enjoy the film from the beginning till the end.

‘Architorture is over!’ celebration party!

What is to be a boring Monday’s afternoon and night in the beginning of my holiday turns out to be exciting by attending the celebration party for all of my classmates that have gone through 4 years of struggle on ending the degree study in architecture. Special thanks to my friends, Naresh and Bianca for organizing such a great party at his home in Subang Jaya! I definitely had a great time there with all of you guys, not only during the party, but also for this 4 years long!

The night (yesterday) was seriously fun and interesting, when we had the chance to gather together for a playful and relaxing time which is the second time in our final semester (the first one is during potluck for Hari Raya in classroom). This party is also somehow a potluck, and my group bought fried chickens for all (not KFC ones). We reached their house earlier after a successful find through Google Earth (haha), and the first thing we do is site visit in the house. After that, time to play games where no people fight for it yet since the only guests arrived are us.

Meals have arrived, and many of my classmates reached too. It’s a rainy days but it did not stopped our spirit on enjoying the gathering. However, I just stay inside, playing Tekken which I have not played for over 5 years. Then, while enjoying the meals which some are homemade by our friends and taste delicious, we had the opportunity to celebrate Bianca’s birthday, specially arranged by Naresh. It is fun, there is a cake for her, and also a cake for all of us, based on the main theme of the night; Architorture is over. ‘Architorture’ is actually a combination of ‘architecture’ and ‘torture’ if you guys don’t know, and it represents our feeling at the moment, after ending the final semester of our study in the field of architecture which appears to contribute a lot of struggle and torture to us, and actually also fun and experience too.

(The large candle for the chocolate cake came out of nowhere from Naresh…haha…oops, I didn’t try the cake)

Not the whole class came, only around 30 to 40 were present (some are not free, some went back to their hometowns, some do not know the place). Fireworks were even set off too. Not much but great! The night ends with a bit of beer drinking, but I am started to be forced to drink, so it’s time to run out of the place to prevent from being caught and being drunken. I still need to drive, so I know where’s my limit, but still I would drink some to entertain, not to disappoint. Overall, it’s a great time, and I have spend almost 5 hours already, since we are the earliest guests, and so we had the earliest departures too. Me and my group leaved at 11pm, running out fast to prevent from being caught and forced to drink. We managed to say goodbye and had signatures and few words over a large printed picture of our whole class. Hopes ‘architorture’ is really over, but actually not, since me and my classmates’ life ahead would be involved in architecture too. So, at last we still can’t run out of it.