Update on Malaysia Pavillion in Shanghai World Expo 2010

It has been long time since I mentioned on Shanghai World Expo 2010, now it’s time to talk about it again….everything went smoothly, the expo is still attracting a great number of visitors eventhough not up to their estimation…two and a half months had passed since the opening of the expo, and now there is another three and a half months before the expo close its door.

Everyday, there would be approximately FEW HUNDRED THOUSANDS of visitors visiting the expo site, and sometimes breaking record of over 400 000 per day. This number is huge, and of course, China is very ambitious and wishing for more. Many campaigns were done to attract more visitors especially Shanghai (local) residents to visit, like giving free admission tickets, providing convenient facilities and transportation, cooling down the temperature of expo site, etc.

Let’s talk back on the Malaysia pavillion, the pavillion of my own nation. One breaking news is that Malaysia pavillion had recorded over 1 million visitors few days/weeks ago. This is not a great achievement because the target set is 10 million. Besides that, I found a video from YouTube that shows Michelle Yeoh, famous international artist from Malaysia visiting Malaysia and Taiwan pavillions on a short visit to expo.

Attached below are three videos showing Malaysia pavillion in Shanghai World Expo 2010:

1 – Short walk at the ground level, featuring people enjoying batik session in the pavillion.

2 – Describing the items exhibited in the showroom of the pavillion.

3 – Showing the visit of Michelle Yeoh to Malaysia and Taiwan Pavillions and a short interview.

‘Waka Waka’

Had been listening to this songs hundred of times from radio (fm), online videos, etc. This song gets so famous recently because it is the main theme song for the on-going FIFA World Cup 2010. The title of the song is Waka Waka (This time for Africa) which is by Shakira.


The lyric is simple, all the words used are easy to be understood, since this should be an international song, easily known by all people around the world. With the same objective like the previous ‘You and Me’ (theme song for Beijing 2008 Olympic Games), this simple song really catches the attention of many people. It really does live up the atmosphere of the game, but it still receives negative review from many parties.

It would be good for this kind of song to be sang by international artist. It is unnecessary for the singer to be an African as well, because the song is for all, not only for the host nation. This is a good way to promote the song internationally too. Furthermore, Shakira has a unique voice and suitable to sing this.

Some African words are added. ‘Waka waka’ means ‘do the job’, ‘tsaminamina zangalewa’ means ‘where do you come from’, ‘waka’ means ‘it is mine’, ‘zambo’ means ‘wait’, ‘tsaminamina’ means ‘wait’, ‘anawa aa’ means ‘I did’.  These African words are added to bring the song closer to Africa, the host nation.

The lyric of the song can be found from this link:


There are many other websites offering the song, music video and the lyric too, it is just so popular, it plays, plays and plays…until I like it now….