New Year Day is not designated as Cleaning Day!

felt surprised for the title of this post above..haha…

this really made me angry.. people celebrated new year 2009 happily, but without thinking of the environment… finished countdown, finished enjoying fireworks, finished celebrating..then all of the people went off, leaving behind trashes and dirts on the ground..

really pity those cleaners who had to clean up all the affected streets in the midnight, some in early morning, so that the area will be restored to its original condition..

when i looked at the newspaper today, so many pictures of trashes left behind by revellers and cleaners cleaning all of it… by the time they are cleaning, those irresponsible people are sleeping..huh! protect environment please!

today, very tired..whole day helped my dad in his folding works…fold and wrap papers until exhausted! just came back and wrote this post… tomorrow really need to rest whole day to restore the original energetic me!

so new year day is supposed to be a good day for everyone, now it seems not for those cleaners..they celebrate new year by sweeping dirty ground..give them a break! All of us do remember New Year Day, but please, don’t forget Earth Day!