Nomination list and my picks for TVB Star Awards Malaysia 2017

The nomination list for the TVB Star Awards Malaysia 2017 has been out many days ago ever since its voting started on the end of November. I didn’t have time to post that up earlier as I was very busy recently. But, hey, now I’m back to post the nomination list and putting in my thoughts and predictions as usual. I would like to thank Joshua who posted the nomination list to me in English version earlier as I still couldn’t find any source that provides the list in English version yet.

Alright…without wasting more time, here you goes: (the asterisk indicates my top 5 or top 3 picks)

My Favourite TVB Drama:
Dead Wrong
No Reserve
Rogue Emperor
Recipes to Live By
Burning Hands
Tiger Mom Blues 
Destination Nowhere *
Married but Available
My Dearly Sinful Mind
The No No Girl
My Unfair Lady
Come with Me
Bet Hur
Legal Mavericks *
The Unholy Alliance *
A General, A Scholar and A Eunuch *
The Tofu War
Line Walker: The Prelude *
Nothing Special Force
Oh My Grad

My pick: The Unholy Alliance

Prediction: The Unholy Alliance

Opinion: Although ‘The Unholy Alliance’ is not doing well in its final few episodes, but it is still an enjoyable and intense drama to watch. It has win the similar award in Singapore’s Starhub TVB Awards earlier, and so I don’t see why it’s not going to do the same in Malaysia too. I haven’t watch ‘Legal Mavericks’ yet but I have been hearing a lot of positive words about it. I will list it as a dark horse for now.

My Favourite TVB Actor in A Leading Role:
Wayne Lai (No Reserve)
Ben Wong (Tiger Mom Blues)
Kevin Cheng (Destination Nowhere) 
Gallen Lo (Provocateur)
Tony Hung (Married But Available)
Kenneth Ma (My Dearly Sinful Mind) *
Eddie Cheung (The No No Girl)
Frankie Lam (My Unfair Lady)
Vincent Wong (Legal Mavericks) *
Edwin Siu ( A General, A Scholar And A Eunuch) *
Raymond Cho ( A General, A Scholar And A Eunuch)
Matthew Ho (A General, A Scholar And A Eunuch)
Ruco Chan (The Unholy Alliance) *
Chris Lai (The Tofu War)
Moses Chan (Line Walker: The Prelude)
Benjamin Yuen (Line Walker: The Prelude) *
Chow Pakho (Line Walker: The Prelude)
Michael Miu (Line Walker: The Prelude)
Roger Kwok (Oh My Grad)
Wong Cho Lam (Oh My Grad)

My pick: Vincent Wong (Legal Mavericks)

Prediction: Vincent Wong (Legal Mavericks) / Ruco Chan (The Unholy Alliance)

Opinion: Although I haven’t seen ‘Legal Mavericks’ yet, but I do think Vincent is the front contender now (since he also won the same award in Singapore). I do saw him in other dramas and he is good. I do think he did exceptionally well in ‘Legal Mavericks’. However, this is a popularity contest and Ruco Chan has a huge fanbase in Malaysia. Ruco had also actively participated in promotion events to this awards lately. He has won the same award in Singapore for three consecutive years not long ago. He can get the same record in Malaysia this year too. So, Ruco is the dark horse although his role in ‘The Unholy Alliance’ is nothing spectacular. Benjamin Yuen also stands a chance as he is great in ‘Line Walker: The Prelude’. Putting Wong Cho Lam as lead actor in ‘Oh My Grad’ is a joke. He had such a minor role in that one. Roger Kwok should be nominated for ‘Dead Wrong’ instead.

My Favourite TVB Actress in a Leading Role:
Myolie Wu (No Reserve)
Niki Chow (Rogue Emperor)
Joey Meng (Dead Wrong)
Rosina Lam (Burning Hands)
Elena Kong (Tiger Mom Blues) *
Sharon Chan (Tiger Mom Blues)
Kristal Tin (Destination Nowhere) * 
Grace Wong (My Dearly Sinful Mind) *
Adia Chan (The No No Girl)
Jessica Hsuan (My Unfair Lady)
Natalie Tong (My Unfair Lady) 
Charmaine Sheh (Bet Hur)
Ali Lee (Legal Mavericks) *
Sisley Choi (Legal Mavericks)
Nina Paw (The Unholy Alliance) *
Nancy Wu (The Unholy Alliance)  
Nancy Sit (The Tofu War)
Mandy Wong (Nothing Special Force)
Priscilla Wong (Line Walker: The Prelude) 
Ada Choi (Oh My Grad)

My pick: Kristal Tin (Destination Nowhere)

Prediction: Ali Lee (Legal Mavericks)

Opinion: I think this is the category that would be the most controversial for me. Why? The above top 5 picks are my preferred choices but since this is a popularity contest rather than really awarding who gave the best performance, it’s all going to be narrowed down to young ladies and this would narrow down the list to another set of 5; Grace Wong, Natalie Tong, Sisley Choi, Nancy Wu, Ali Lee. If this is really judged by best performance, Kristal Tin would be the most deserving as she nailed that challenging role in ‘Destination Nowhere’ in a way that surprised me. But I don’t think she would have any chance here…or even in Hong Kong’s awards later since that drama was aired a bit too early. So for my prediction to this Malaysia’s awards, I’m so far sticking to what Singapore had chosen; Ali Lee. I do think she is too early for leading actress award. This award has no clear frontrunner.

My Favourite TVB Supporting Actor:
Kenny Wong (Dead Wrong)
James Ng (Destination Nowhere) *
Pierre Ngo (My Dearly Sinful Mind) *
Mat Yeung (My Dearly Sinful Mind) *
Yuen Man Kit (My Unfair Lady)
Owen Cheung (Legal Mavericks) *
Joel Chan (The Unholy Alliance) *
Dominic Lam (The Tofu War)
C-Kwan (Nothing Special Force)
Ram Chiang (Oh My Grad)

My pick: Joel Chan (The Unholy Alliance)

Prediction: Joel Chan (The Unholy Alliance)

Opinion: I do have a feeling here that since Ruco and Nancy are highly likely to lose in leading actor and actress categories this year, the organizer would still want to reward ‘The Unholy Alliance’ in acting categories. This would be it. Joel has not win anything before in Malaysia and it’s time for him. I am amazed by some of his earlier performances already. He even outshines Ruco in ‘The Unholy Alliance’. Dark horse here would be Owen Cheung from ‘Legal Mavericks’ who had just won the supporting actor in Singapore.

My Favourite TVB Supporting Actress:
Koni Lui (Tiger Mom Blues) *
Jacqueline Wong (Provocateur) *
Alice Chan (Married But Available)
Jeannie Chan (The No No Girl)
Samantha Ko (My Unfair Lady) *
Tracy Chu (Legal Mavericks) *
Rebecca Chu (A General, A Scholar and A Eunuch)
Elaine Yiu (The Unholy Alliance) *
Roxanne Tong (The Tofu War)
Eliza Sam (Oh My Grad)

My pick: Elaine Yiu (The Unholy Alliance)

Prediction: Elaine Yiu (The Unholy Alliance) / Jacqueline Wong (Provocateur)

Opinion: Elaine is doing great in ‘The Unholy Allisnce’ but she had just won the same award last year. Would she win again this year? There is a possibility. But that also allows for higher chance to other strong contender like Jacqueline Wong who won the supporting actress in Singapore earlier. Koni, Samantha and Tracy are good too.

Most Improved TVB Actor:
Matthew Ho (Tiger Mom Blues, A General, A Scholar And A Eunuch) *
Brian Tse (Rogue Emperor, The No No Girl, Line Walker: The Prelude) *
Owen Cheung (The No No Girl, Legal Mavericks) *
Arnold Kwok Zi Ho (Tiger Mom Blues, Nothing Special Force)
James Ng (Destination Nowhere, A General, A Scholar And A Eunuch)

My pick: Matthew Ho

Prediction: Matthew Ho

Opinion: I have watched the two series that Matthew was in. He is doing well. However, I find that his kid-like voice is still hampering him. On the other hand, Brian only stood out a bit in ‘Line Walker: The Prelude’ while Owen was in ‘Legal Mavericks’ (I supposed since he won supporting actor for that role in Singapore). Matthew has two solid performances this year. One number higher. So, I’m giving this to him than the others.

Most Improved TVB Actress:
Zoie Tam (Dead Wrong, My Unfair Lady, Legal Mavericks) *
Kaman Kong (Tiger Mom Blues, My Unfair Lady)
Jeannie Chan (The No No Girl)
Roxanne Tong (Provocateur, My Dearly Sinful Mind, The Tofu War) *
Gloria Tang (My Unfair Lady, A General, A Scholar And A Eunuch)

My pick: Zoie Tam

Prediction: Roxanne Tong

Opinion: I enjoyed Zoie’s performance in ‘Dead Wrong’. However, she only has very minor roles in the other two dramas while ‘Dead Wrong’ is aired late last year. That’s a bit of disadvantage and it pushes Roxanne Tong as the predicted winner since she won new artist award in Singapore earlier.

Most Favourite TVB On-Screen Couple:
Frankie Lam, Jessica Hsuan (My Unfair Lady)
Vincent Wong, Natalie Tong (My Unfair Lady) *
Vincent Wong, Tracy Chu, Sisley Choi (Legal Mavericks)
Owen Cheung, Ali Lee (Legal Mavericks)
Edwin Siu, Kristal Tin (A General, A Scholar And A Eunuch) *
Ruco Chan, Nancy Wu (The Unholy Alliance) *
Joel Chan, Elaine Yiu (The Unholy Alliance) *
Chris Lai, Roxanne Tong (The Tofu War)
Benjamin Yuen, Chow PakHo, Priscilla Wong (Line Walker: The Prelude) *
Moses Chan, Jessica Hsuan (Line Walker: The Prelude)

My pick: Joel Chan and Elaine Yiu (The Unholy Alliance)

Prediction: Joel Chan and Elaine Yiu (The Unholy Alliance) / Vincent Wong and Natalie Tong (My Unfair Lady)

Opinion: I find that chemistry between Joel and Elaine is so much better than Vincent and Natalie in their respective dramas. But everyone is simply falling in love with the Vincent-Natalie pair since ‘My Unfair Lady’ has been emphasizing so much on romance storyline (and it made me so bored of watching it last time).

My Favourite TVB Theme Song:
Tam Kayee (My Unfair Lady) *
Hana Kuk (My Unfair Lady)
Vincent Wong (Legal Mavericks)
Stephanie Ho (Legal MAvericks) *
Chow Pakho (Line Walker: The Prelude) *

My pick: Tam Kayee (My Unfair Lady)

Prediction: Tam Kayee (My Unfair Lady)

Opinion: I’m very surprised that the winning song from Singapore’s Starhub TVB Awards isn’t even getting a nomination here. That ending theme for Line Walker: The Prelude by Hana Kuk is beautiful and yet not nominated. I would prefer that to win actually. So, now I’m left with no choice but to choose the second best (not really); the song by Tam Kayee in ‘My Unfair Lady’.

My Favourite TVB Drama Characters :

(I think they will award this to around 12 winners. So the 12 names with asterisk are my picks and predicted winners)
Joey Meng (Dead Wrong)
Kenny Wong (Dead Wrong)
Niki Chow (Rogue Emperor)
Wayne Lai (No Reserve)
Myolie Wu (No Reserve)
Rosina Lam (Burning Hands)
Kelly Fu (Burning Hands)
Elena Kong (Tiger Mom Blues)
Sharon Chan (Tiger Mom Blues)
Ben Wong (Tiger Mom Blues)
Koni Lui (Tiger Mom Blues)
Kaman Kong (Tiger Mom Blues)
Arnold Kwok (Tiger Mom Blues)
Kevin Cheng (Destination Nowhere)
Gallen Lo (Provocateur)
Jacqueline Wong (Provocateur)
Fred Cheng (Provocateur)
Tony Hung (Married But Available)
Alice Chan (Married But Available)
Raymond Wong (Married But Available)
Kenneth Ma (My Dearly Sinful Mind) *
Grace Wong (My Dearly Sinful Mind) 
Mat Yeung (My Dearly Sinful Mind) 
Adia Chan (The No No Girl)
Eddie Cheung (The No No Girl)
Jeannie Chan (The No No Girl)
Jessica Hsuan (My Unfair Lady)
Natalie Tong (My Unfair Lady) *
Chris Lai (My Unfair Lady) 
Frankie Lam (My Unfair Lady)
Samantha Ko (My Unfair Lady)
Yuen Man Kit (My Unfair Lady)
Charmaine Sheh (Bet Hur)
Vincent Wong (Legal Mavericks) *
Ali Lee (Legal Mavericks) 
Sisley Choi (Legal Mavericks) *
Tracy Chu (Legal Mavericks)
Owen Cheung (Legal Mavericks)
Edwin Siu (A General, A Scholar And A Eunuch) *
Matthew Ho (A General, A Scholar And A Eunuch)
Raymond Cho (A General, A Scholar And A Eunuch) *
Kristal Tin (A General, A Scholar And A Eunuch) *
Rebecca Chu (A General, A Scholar And A Eunuch)
Ruco Chan (The Unholy Alliance) *
Joel Chan (The Unholy Alliance) *
Elaine Yiu (The Unholy Alliance) *
Nina Paw (The Unholy Alliance) 
Nancy Wu (The Unholy Alliance) *
Nancy Sit (The Tofu War)
Jonathan Cheung Wing Hong (The Tofu War)
Roxanne Tong (The Tofu War)
Michael Miu (Line Walker: The Prelude)
Benjamin Yuen (Line Walker: The Prelude) *
Chow Pakho (Line Walker: The Prelude)
Priscilla Wong (Line Walker: The Prelude)
Mandy Wong (Nothing Special Force)
Roger Kwok (Oh My Grad)
Ada Choi (Oh My Grad)
Wong Cho Lam (Oh My Grad)
Ram Chiang (Oh My Grad)
Eliza Sam (Oh My Grad)

Opinion: Cast from ‘The Unholy Alliance’ is going to take a lot of spots here. ‘A General, A Scholar And An Eunuch’ is also expected to win at least in this category for a minimum of two awards. Benjamin is a sure as a sole representative winner from ‘Line Walker: The Prelude’. Same goes to Kenneth Ma for representing ‘My Dearly Sinful Mind’. And of course not to forget the critically-acclaimed cast from ‘Legal Mavericks’.

My Favourite TVB Variety Programme:
Spirits On Vacation *
Peak To Pit
Cantopop At 50 *
All Work, No Pay Holidays
The Ahistoric Grandpa Cooking Show
Sammy On The Go
The Sisterhood Travelling Gang *
Anchors With Passport
Priscilla Wong’s Show
Maria Cordero’s Auspicious Recipes

My pick: Spirits on Vacation

Prediction: Cantopop at 50

Opinion: I love seeing ‘Spirits on Vacation’ which is a spin-off variety programme from the drama ‘House of Spirits’ last year. It is very entertaining. However, it was released way too early and many may have forgotten or have not watched it. ‘Cantopop at 50’ may snatch this quietly as a way for organizer to indirectly honour the 50-years long history of Cantopop music.

My Favourite TVB Informative Programme:
Big Big World
Neighbourhood Treasures Repack
Retiring In Paradise 
Easy Come Easy Health
Sermon By Ben Sir 2
Faraway Brides
All Things Girl Malaysia Edition
Sidewalk Scientist

Opinion: No comment or picks for this category as I have watched none of them.

My Favourite TVB Variety Show Host:
Ashley Chu, Mayanne Mak, Alycia Chan, Brian Tse, Kenny Wong, Chris Leung (Peak To Pit)
Maria Cordero (Maria’s Auspicious Recipes)
Nancy Sit, Raymond Cho, Michael Lai, Tong Bo Yu (Cantopop At 50)
Tony Hung (Retiring In Paradise) *
Benjamin Yuen, Mat Yeung (All Work, No Pay Holidays) *
Steve Lee, Helen Tam (The Ahistoric Grandpa Cooking Show)
Janis Chan (Faraway Brides)
Myolie Wu, Elaine Yiu, Selena Lee, Nancy Wu, Paisley Wu, Mandy Wong (The Sisterhood Travelling Gang) *
Elena Kong, Sharon Chan, Elaine Yiu, Sarah Song, Katy Kung, Joyce Tang, Priscilla Wong (All Things Girl Malaysia Edition) *
Sammy Leung, Mayanne Mak, Samantha Ko, Jacqueline Wong (Sammy On The Go) *

My pick and prediction: Benjamin Yuen & Mat Yeung (All Work, No Pay Holidays) / Myolie Wu & Elaine Yiu & Selena Lee & Nancy Wu & Paisley Wu & Mandy Wong (The Sisterhood Travelling Gang)

Opinion: The group of six ladies is entertaining to watch in ‘The Sisterhood Travelling Gang’. Their chemistry and bond are affectionate. Benjamin Yuen and Mat Yeung are two young handsome men and people will vote for them simply because of their look here and not because of how great their hosting is.

There you go. The end of the nomination list along with my own choices and predicted winners. The predictions do differ with my own picks in some categories. Now we have to wait and see for the result to be unveiled on the awards ceremony to be held on November 25th, 2017 at Avenue of Stars, Genting Highlands.

(Images in this post are from various sources throughout the world wide web)

7 thoughts on “Nomination list and my picks for TVB Star Awards Malaysia 2017

  1. I am agreeable with your review, Vincent. I also liked Hana’s song for the ending theme in (Line Walker: The Prelude) as well.

  2. Oh yeah just to add, although you don’t watch TVB’s variety programmes, I recommmend that you should watch neighbourhood treasures repack. It is very funny and entertaining. Sammy Leung and Kitty Yuen’s hosting skills are excellent

  3. I don’t agree with you Vincent. Ruco was good in The Unholy Alliance. We got to see a different Ruco in this series. The chemistry among Nancy, Oscar Leung and Ruco was great. The last few episodes were fantastic.

    • While you may disagree with my opinions, most audiences do find the last few episodes of The Unholy Alliance to be poorly executed and that Ruco’s character in that drama isn’t solid and doesn’t require Ruco to showcase superb acting.

      • Last 3 episodes’ viewership in HK was the highest. Many audiences find Ruco’s acting in the last few episodes superb, just that audiences think the 4 final bosses were too old and too easy to be beaten. To some audiences, Roger and Vincent were over-acting in their respective characters, trying too hard to showcase their acting, which appeals to some other audiences.

      • high viewership doesn’t equal to good reception / positive reviews. it just means more people eager to know how it ends (including me). i have no doubt on ruco’s acting skill but his character is not that well-written in that drama. i agree with you that roger do overact (as I remember he did in ‘dead wrong’) but in recent years, I can’t remember seeing people complaining Vincent Wong for overact. His performances has been lauded so far especially from his blind lawyer role in Legal Mavericks. It’s time for him to deserve some recognition.

  4. Pingback: Hong Kong stars at Genting for TVB Star Awards Malaysia 2017. | My Blog City by Vincent Loy

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