Christmas decorations from my office to shopping malls…they are everywhere!

Today is a lazy Friday for all of us in the office today as we were all excited not about the works, but about the office’s Christmas party in the afternoon. Our meeting room had been temporarily converted to a giant dining room where all the food and drink were served. Our Christmas gifts were all exhibited below the Christmas tree in the office’s lobby area awaiting for us to unwrap respectively after a gift exchange.


I’m quite happy that I received a cap from one of my colleagues. Grateful for that, and really very full after the meal that made me getting more lazy after that. And later in the evening, I had a banquet dinner to attend in conjunction with my cousin’s wedding.

The banquet dinner was held at Bukit Bintang area. To go there, I had to take a long walk from my office to Avenue K, and then to Suria KLCC and later Pavilion KL before reaching the restaurant. I walked for over 45 minutes and I passed through 3 shopping malls at once. What’s better than having this opportunity to snap some photos of the various Christmas decorations in these malls.

Avenue K


Simple yet elegant Christmas decoration in the much smaller mall of Avenue K. Toys of adorable bears on top of the stalls selling Christmas items that are designed to mimic snowy formation.

Suria KLCC



The decoration inside the mall is too colourful and distracting. However, the very huge and tall Christmas tree outside the mall facing the KLCC Park overwhelmed me. At night, it would be very beautiful.

Pavilion KL




You will notice that there would be an event to promote at the base level of the atrium in Pavilion KL mall (shown above) for the upcoming film ‘Ip Man 3’ with the leading actor, Donnie Yen going to make an appearance. However, I couldn’t manage to wait for his arrival since I have to get to my cousin’s wedding dinner. Also do take note that the sparkling Christmas tree in the mall is also Asia’s tallest Christmas tree made of crystals (by Svarovski).

Ahh…I’m already in Christmas mood, and above all, holiday mood! Can’t wait for my vacation to Singapore next week but I’m having huge worry now of the predicted traffic crawls along the expressways connecting both Malaysia and Singapore. It’s already been reported in news recently that the traffic congestion is very terrible in these days already. Couldn’t imagine what would happen on the day we would depart to Singapore when it is a public holiday and is a Christmas Eve day. Should be stuck there for over 5 hours. Agghh…please…I don’t want to waste my precious ‘holiday’ time like that. Let’s hope everything would turns out smooth and well for this upcoming trip.

(Copyrights reserved to all the images in this post)

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