Water crisis + Haze = Very Bad!

I knew most Malaysians now are being overwhelmed with the missing plane MH370 incident. I also had enough of hearing so many things about it for this whole week. Don’t you? The multi-national search and rescue teams ended with fruitless outcome day by day. Not only that the missing passengers’ families or relatives were angry, I am also frustrated. I’m not going to comment any further at this moment until the plane is found. Now, let’s move on to other topics and the one I’m highlighting today is obvious in the picture below.


How I wish that is mist over the hill! It would be cold and nice then. But it’s not. It’s haze. In previous years, we got to put the blame on our neighbouring country, Indonesia which usually had various forest fire during hot season as the cause of haze in our country. But this time, it’s not their fault and the source is none other than from our own. Dry and hot weather leading to peat fires and farm burning accompanied with excessive construction works particularly in the city region all contributed extensively to this haze.

Luckily, I was in my air-conditioned office the whole day for this week and is not much exposed to outdoor. I would only be reminded by the seriousness of the haze once I look out by the window when everything is blurred. Whenever I step outside now, I could smell the haze. It is worsening and it is bad for our health. A quick advice; drink more water and minimize outdoor activities. Also drive slowly as visibility drops. If the haze stays for few more days or over a week, then we have to wear protective mask.

If you think haze is not enough, then let’s include the on-going water crisis that has been affecting Klang Valley or generally the whole Selangor, the most populated state in the country for almost a month by now. Lack of rain and dry weather cause water level in various dams to reach critical stage. The state is currently experiencing water rationing exercise (2 days with water supply, and the next 2 days with dry taps) separated into several zones. It’s time to save water and the time when we need water the most. Haiz…

We couldn’t do much now but can only hope that this difficult time would be over very soon. Stay positive always. Haze, please go away! Sky, please rain! Taps, please let water out! And one more, MH370 plane, please come back! The world is awaiting you.

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