Movie review: The Thing (2011)

This science-fiction horror film released back in 2011 is one of the movies last year that I missed watching. It has been a long time I have not browse for DVD, and the download speed over my internet at home is very slow. So, I go for DVD again. I bought three DVDs, this is the first one I get, and another two are Spy Kids 4 and a Hong Kong film entitled ‘The Fortune Buddies’.

The Thing is a prequel to the 1982 film of the same title which the plot taking place immediately prior to the events of that film. The story revolves on a team of Norwegian and American scientists who discover an alien buried deep in the ice of Antarctica, realizing too late that it is still alive; consuming and replicating the team members. I did not watch the 1982 film, and so I find the concept behind this horror film is incredibly interesting and good. The idea of having an alien virus replicating the humans in the film is so fresh (to me and for people who did not watch the 1982 film) and the first credit goes to that point. I also like the way they keep the virus idea not too complicated and even just named it as ‘The Thing’, and easy for audiences to understand the development of the story.

The second credit goes to the plot itself and the pace of the story. Everything went quite well and impressive in this category. The plot is well-written with relation indicated back to the 1982 film. Besides that, I find that this film had a very good beginning and ending, with everything in the middle goes off in a fast-paced progress of story that wouldn’t keep us boring. However, I find there is still lack of depth to the origin of the alien virus, and the spaceship as well. Anyway, that is not much important.

The most important is the moment when the alien virus began affecting the people in the base and having survivors suspecting each other on who is the real human and who is not. That is an interesting climax to the story. The suspense is there. However, the level of claustrophobia delivered to the audiences from the film is not enough still. More scenes involving play with the human psychology are recommended to bring the film to a better climax. The casts performed well in the film too. I can see a very good reaction and response from the characters dealing with the horrifying ‘thing’.

The CGI effect of the creature is amazing, and that gives an assurance that this film is of high quality and is not of low-budget production. There are many clear appearances of the fierce creatures (the thing) in the film which is good and also bad in some sense. I find that some mystery behind its appearance would be a bit better eventhough that the it is good that the audiences can observe clearly of how disgusting the creature looks after mutation with humans. Overall, this film is interesting and exciting to a certain extent that I can even declare it as one of the best horror films in 2o11. Out of 10 points, I would rate ‘The Thing’ a total of 7.4.

(Hmm…until now, I have not watched any of the films released this year….probably would go for it after Chinese New Year)

1 thought on “Movie review: The Thing (2011)

  1. Go rent John Carpenters The Thing (1982) it is one of the best horror movies ever made! and adds a whole new layer to the 2011 prequel. Great Post 🙂

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