Labour Day weekend is here.

Happy Labour Day! It’s not a long weekend because the Labour Day itself falls on Saturday but hey…at least we get to get another extra day of annual leave (for those who work five days a week).

It’s the first day of the month and so as usual, you will see a new image for my blog’s header above. It has been a tradition for me to update my blog’s header when every new month approaches for the past 10 years. Yes. I started this practice back in June 2011. After 10 years, I have decided not to continue on this. When June 2021 arrives, there will be a new visual for the blog’s header and it will stay on for long term. New visual will still pop up whenever there is a special occasion.

I’m looking forward to this new month; there’s a lot of holidays coming up (today is the Labour Day), Hari Raya Aidilfitri is on mid of the month and Wesak Day is near the end of the month. The only thing I’m not so looking forward to is a major deadline coming up for my work in this month too. There’s so much to do and yet so little time.

Mentioning about work…today also marks the 3rd anniversary of my present job here in Singapore. Time flies. Everything appears to be fine so far in my work. There is still a lot of things for me to learn but at least in these 3 years, I have managed to gain a lot of experience. Since I have been here for quite some time now, I had also recently submitted my application for permanent residence (PR) here in Singapore. I hope it will be approved in my first try (need to wait few months for the outcome).

It’s about time also for me to change my laptop. I have been using my current Acer laptop for over 4 years and it is starting to get slower and constantly running low on storage space although I did not have many heavy softwares installed. This got me frustrated at times. Just last year, one side of my laptop’s hinge is broken and it costs me a lot to repair it. Two days ago, the same side broke again. I’m not repairing it’s waste of money to spend anything further on this old metal junk. I may be heading out in this Labour Day weekend to look for a new laptop!

Alright…that’s all for my update today. Have a great month ahead and do continue to stay safe. Covid-19 cases among the community started to rise sharply again recently. We must not let our guard down. India is now hit hard by the virus with over 300 000 cases daily. That’s very bad and concerning. Things are also not looking good yet in my home country, Malaysia where over 3000 cases are still reported daily. Covid-19, when will you go away….

(Images in this post are from various online sources)

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