Key statistics of my blog for the year 2011! (updated on 1/1/2012)

It’s the second last day of the year, and I think I should provide a record data for my blog looking at its statistics every year. It’s something like report card, but this time its for my blog itself. Some would wonder how my blog is going; is it going well?, is it attracting many visitors daily?, which post is the most commented?, etc. I will reveal everything right below, to show how (successful) this blog is. Haha…a bit too proud here, sorry…

There are various calculated data from my dashboard of the blog which tells me how’s my blog is going every day, every month and every year. And everytime I logged in to my dashboard, the admin site of my blog, I have to clean up so many spam comments, which are annoying. The number of views daily has been very steady except for some days when it sky-rocketing due to posts that hit on the hot issue that period of time. There comes the statistics in general:

Most active month of the year: December 2011 (40 posts produced, the most number of posts written in a single month)

Most active post of the year: New 7 Wonders Foundation’s Seven Wonders of the World (produced in January 25, 2011 and garnered over 52 votes as of current)

My Most favourite post of the year: 9 Days 7 Nights Italy 2011 CNY Trip (produced in February 11, 2011, obtained 7 excellent 5-star votes, but the most important thing is that the post is my most favourite since the trip is my most favourite too)

Most commented post of all years: Chile Earthquake at 8.8M (produced in February 27, 2010 accompanied with 57 comments as of current, it somehow been posted at the time when everyone talks about it, and so my post becomes a place of major discussion over the tragedy)

The day of the year (of all years too) with most hits/views: March 9, 2011 (a record-breaking 5683 hits on a single day)

Most favourite blog’s header of the year: Header for the month of September 2011 that marks the 10th anniversary of 911. (The header depicts a beautiful and meaningful photo-montage of World Trade Center (before attack) and comes the brighter visual of Freedom Tower (which is in development), where in the middle between the timeframe is the commemorative visual of two columns of light over New York skyline.) – Click on the header below for larger view

Most favourite month of the year (month with most hits for the year and also all years): November 2011 (59 547 hits)

Comparison of total number of views every year:

2008 (beginning September): 1078

2009 : 174 063

2010 : 311 765

2011 : 489 372

Average view per day each year:

2008 : 11 , 2009 : 477 , 2010 : 854 , 2011 : 1341

Total posts written in the year 2011: 279 out of full total of 789 posts (Percentage of 35.4%)


I’m certainly not faking or bullshitting the numbers above. All that is true, and that indicates that my blog over here is garnering much more attention this year, with more views, more comments, and of course more posts from myself. Hopes that this pattern would continues in the future for a much more successful blog. If nothing goes wrong, my blog would reach over 1 million hits by next month (January 2012 before Chinese New Year). Then, it would be a great achievement for my blog! But right now, it’s already great for me and my blog anyway! Finally, a word of congratulation to my blog!

(This is my 788th post, so one more post tomorrow to bring the curtain down for 2011)

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