Filling my Wednesday with assignments!

When it comes to yesterday’s night, all my classmates especially my gang will be thinking of the same thing; holiday for the next day (which means today). This one-day break is definitely significant to us, as we are having insufficient time to do our assignments…

Today woke up at 10.30am (alarm actually set at 10am, but felt very lazy and comfortable on my bed, hence delaying for another 30 minutes). Woke up….start to do my assignments…thinking of design is really a long job to do, it takes a lot of time just to think of ideas to suit my designs…whole afternoon and the upcoming night will be wasted on it whole table is full of model boards in pieces, cutters, glues, pens, models, and of course, rubbish….

.omg…tomorrow will be my group presentation for Culture 201 class. We are going to present on the majestic power shown in Forbidden City, China (the topic that I like the most).

Practising for several times, so that I will be more confident by tomorrow, facing the lecturers and my classmates for presentation…wishing that I will not be nervous during presentation…it’s very hot in the early afternoon, and now, evening, raining super heavily….such a good condition for me to sleep, but I can’t… bad is it!!! Assignments never end during semester!!!

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