Super serious traffic jams…

Always usual and forever usual in KL…everyone living in KL will surely say the one thing which they dislike the most: TRAFFIC JAMS…I have tried my best to go back early from campus. 4.30pm start to leave. 5.00pm stuck in the highway for an hour until 6.00pm.

Why are there so many cars in KL? Do you know that KL is among the top ten cities in the world with most number of cars over population. All love to buy cars, and drive them on the roads, and cause havoc! One people in one car, another usual case in KL, why can’t they just car-pooling. (Oouch, I am also alone in my car, haha)




Just too boring in the car, so got enough time to take all these pictures, showing the seriousness of the traffic jams…luckily, I did not continue my journey on the highway above (see the last picture), if not, by now, I won’t be getting home yet too…the jams is like 3km long (not including the jams ahead of me on the highway which is predicted to be over 10km long)….That’s crazy!

All people went back early because of fasting month, all Malays want to ‘balik kampung’, since tomorrow is school holiday also (given specially by government). Too bad, my campus, no holiday, class as usual, submission as usual…Aiyaya!

I expected the same thing, even more worse, tomorrow, which I will be going back later, more serious traffic jams awaiting me tomorrow…aarrgghh! Sick of this!

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